Hydrasynth from ASM

Well there’s your problem, the active noise cancellation needs to be powered!

I kid, of course.

My keybed never seemed loud to me. Seems like appropriate sounds for how it feels, if you know what I mean. I guess the loudest part is the sound of the key flinging back up if you release it by tearing your finger off the edge.


I get this with Eurorack modules. Lust after them for weeks or months, get one, rack it, test that it works correctly, then don’t touch it for weeks…then start using it, get buyers remorse, then a week or so later, it’s the best purchase I’ve made…rinse, repeat.


I’ve reached that finally butterfly stage and I love playing the hydrasynth so much I don’t care if the keys were made of metal I think


I ran into the same problem and discovered the same solution. If you can get rid of reverb in the effects module, check your macros!


Hello all! So i’m finally diving into my hydrasynth … after having it for the past year. I upgraded the firmware to the current 1.5.4. I installed the Manger application and it is not receiving any of the sounds. I’ve tried turning the hydra off and on. I swapped USB ports.

Anyone have any issues with this? cheers

UPDATE: I have tried connecting it to my laptop and still nothing. Double checked to make sure Protect is off too. Next, I will try reloading the firmware.

Did you follow all these steps?

User error … i had to select the hydrasynth in the dropdown menu. Thank you! and yes, i had read through that but i have adhd so ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

wow, this thing is really slow.

Sidenote, i don’t like how when you save a patch, it turns the sounds off. Or, when you switch patches, it goes silent for a few seconds. This isn’t good for what i do live. I can always find a workaround … but, this is just a major fault in my opinion.

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I am pondering the idea of a custom made MIDI controller made by Yaeltex, to set up a custom control for the Hydrasynth. One thing could be to select Arp Phrases. Another would be for any HS control that can’t be mapped to via the Mod-Matrix. (The Yaeltex controller does NRPN too.)

I realize a stock controller could be made to do a lot of this, but i also have specific ideas. Anyone have other thoughts ?

The Yaeltex thread here at Elektronauts.

I’m planning to add a Hydrasynth in a couple weeks.

Just watched a great video about the 64 step step-lfo since v 1.5, using it for pitch and envelope triggers as well.

My question is how often are any of you using the step lfo as your sequencer for your Hydrasynth? Does the implementation make it something you use constantly, or would you still rather it had a sequencer separated from the lfo section? Are there shortcomings that frustrate you?


I use PT or OT for seq.

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The step LFO is an excellent tool for creating wavesequence-like sounds, no question. I don’t use it as I would a normal (separate) sequencer, like say, on the Pro 3, but for doing Wavestate-style sounds, it’s a great tool.


I mostly use the step lfo’s as modulation sequenceres. Works very well for that. I love using it for hard wave changes.


I’ve only recently started messing with the step lfos at all (there’s a lot to mess with in this synth) but so far I’ve found them to excel at sequencing modulation more that notes. Of course they’re perfectly capable of note entry and there are folks who use them that way. For me it’s not a shortcoming on the part of the lfos as much as it is an issue of sequencing the HS in general. The keybed is so well integrated with the synth engine that it feels like I’m not getting everything I could be from it when I try to sequence notes. Neither of the polyphonic sequencers I have (DN and MMT8) compete with the experience of hands on keys, nor do the step lfos used in that way. That’s just me and I would fully expect many people to feel differently as it’s very subjective. My opinion might change as I use them more.


Hello all,

I’m looking at purchasing a Hydrasynth Keys, I was actually wanting a Prophet Rev 2 to accompany my Analog Four mk2 in the studio. However, after hearing numerous demos and seeing near enough every video review on YouTube, I think I would prefer to purchase the versatile and seemingly near-limitless Hydra. I plan to purchase the keyboard version and then if I find I’m wanting more polyphony, add the Desktop to my set-up and chain the two together in the future.

The last remaining bit of info I’m trying to establish? I’ve seen a couple of comments in various forums saying that recording midi automation within DAWs (I’m using Bitwig) using Hydra can be quite steppy? I assume this is because many DAWs don’t yet offer NRPN functionality, however, I’m not entirely sure if this actually is the cause.

So I’m sat here trying to find info on whether recording certain automation for the Hydra will sound ‘steppy’, for example, the Hydra’s Filter Cutoff. Would playback from my DAW result in hearing ‘steppy’ sounding filter cutoff sweeps on the Hydra because Bitwig is returning 7bit midi rather than Hydra’s preferred NRPN? I hear this stepping with some filter models on Arturia’s Pigments and it bugs the hell out of me. For all I know, I could be completely misinformed/confused about the behavior.

Generally, I prefer to program in my automation when writing and arranging music, though if need be, I’m happy to record all my filter sweeps ‘live’ when recording the audio into my DAW.

After reading through this thread, it seems like there are some knowledgeable people here in regards to the HS. If anyone could shed some light on this and enlighten me as to what kind of behavior I could expect when recording Hydra’s automation into a DAW, then that would be amazing.

Apologies if this post was a bit of a jumbled mess!


I don’t really use it for a sequencer-proper, but I do use it quite a bit for rhythmic stuff. It works fine as a pitch sequencer as well, but I haven’t really experimented with gating the sound in sync with it.

I imagine just assigning a synced LFO, or maybe using the arpeggiator might work. I’m not sure if there’s a way to directly trigger an envelope as I haven’t explored the step LFO enough in that context. I tend to use it for cyclic modulation.

It’s definitely a cool tool though.

I use a Digitone MIDI channel to sequence the Hydra in more of a traditional sense, or I just play it.

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So if a DAW only does 7-bit (128 level) MIDI i/o, it’s kinda built-in that the stair steps are larger. The steps with 7-bits are 128 times the size of a 14-bit step.

But given this is a Hydrasynth there are things that could be done to help. For instance you could assign a Macro that sits between your DAW and the value you want to tweak, and setup a sub-range of values for the output of that Macro. The Macro takes a MIDI CC value in. You won’t be able to sweep a larger range, but perhaps that’s a useful exchange for you. I haven’t tried this to be sure this would work, but i think it will.

So is this more a question about your DAW — Bitwig in this case. I don’t use Bitwig, but a quick search seems to indicate that indeed it lacks an NRPN interface. Perhaps there are answers in a Bitwig thread ?


I could see how it could be good for DFAM style techno sequences.

Thanks everyone, for your thoughts.

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Thanks, Jukka,

I’ll check your link to the Bitwig thread out and see if there are indeed any answers there!

The Macro workaround could also be an interesting way to approach the issue. I know these are different synths, so the comparison may be null and void, but I don’t encounter any noticeable stepping when automating my Analog Four Mk2 via Bitwig. So I’m hoping that I wouldn’t run into any issues with the Hydra. I’ll keep digging. If I fail in my pursuit of an answer online, I’ll try and find a local dealer here in the UK that has one on demo. I’ll see if I can hook my laptop up to the Hydra and test the midi automation in Bitwig before diving in with a purchase. I’m hoping there won’t be any issues. I’ve got my heart set on a Hydra now, purely for its powerful and deep synthesis capabilities!

Thanks again for taking the time to reply!

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The HS takes priority for me choosing a DAW, not the other way round. :grin:

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