How to create a long MIDI timeline with arranger


I´ve been messing around with the arranger ´cause I´d like to create a biiiiiiig pattern to improvise and record MIDI notes on it.

What I´d like to do is to have the longest MIDI timeline possible to jam on, or to play something live over an existing song and “steal” :yum: maybe it´s harmony, structure or whatever.

Imagine an Ableton´s arrangement view. The loop would be the whole reference song (or mayble my own bassline, chord progression, etc. but long enough to avoid “MIDI overdubbing”). Then I´d try to simplify everything and reduce to the least and shortest patterns possible.

If I chain or arrange all needed patterns to last, let´s say, a 5 minutes song at 120bpm, I´d need more than 2 banks of 64-step patterns.

How would you face this to make it usable?

As you said…

Or buy a linear sequencer. :content:

There’s no midi overdubbing but replacing.
You can change eventually pattern scale to x1/2, if that 8th resolution suffice.

I want to try this on the Octatrack for some reason, I could do it more easily on Ableton as well.

When I´ve tried with slower pattern scales I need to set the master to INF and I haven´t tried if this is usable with the arranger. Another thing that I don´t understand very well is pattern chains, I´d like to have 128-step patterns :sweat_smile:.

Will I have to copy-paste again and again and again?

You don’t have too.

Just hold first pattern to chain patterns, nothing special.

Your common tracks in patterns?
You can resample some tracks and play the sample looped, without copy / paste.

But if the master lenght is 64 and the pattern is 64 x 1/2 it will restart at the middle, isn´t it?

I´ve only tried with MIDI. I want to try this with resampling and/or pickup machines but for the moment I´m thinking about how to do it with MIDI notes to send to the Digitone and make further sound tweaks.

I didn’t get what you want to copy paste.
Long midi recording = enough patterns. :wink:

Nope. Steps are longer.

Imagine I have a four-pattern bassline (nothing fancy, four notes, one on the first trigger of each bar). These notes are looped, but not the sound, ´cause this way I can change the pattern on the Digitone and change the sound character or whatever. So if I have, let´s say, 40 patterns chained, I´d have to copy-paste the first pattern on the fifth, nineth, etc., the second on the sixth, tenth, and so on.

Then I don´t know what is happening

No more ideas except another sequencer with the looped patterns!

Another sequencer you mean external gear?

As far as this is a way to create song sketches on the fly, maybe I should complement this with resampling / pickup machines, to simplify that.

Yep. OctaEdit would help to copy / paste I guess.

I just bought it last week!

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