How to change patterns via midi?

I believe the LaunchPad and Launch Control XL both MIDI and CC messages, so I should be good!

I have yet to purchase them so if someone sees and issue with those controllers and my intention for them (see a few posts up) please let me know.

Would I be able to change to patterns 1-16 within whatever bank I was in? So use up to 16 pads/pedals and just change the bank manually on the device itself? I’m guessing midi program change messages might not work that way, but I use each bank for a different song so it’s way more practical to just be able to switch within any active bank using the same 16 controller messages (rather than needing to program 64 or 128 individually)…

Indeed, MIDI Program Change messages do not work that way.

If your controller device/software is programmable, it might be able to remember which pattern is active and to figure out the MIDI PC number that you need for your next pattern.

Thanks. I feared as much and the workarounds might be a bit too fiddly for me. I’ve never had much use for PC messages, seems like they were designed to call up a specific/predefined preset in a live set when I usually want to use them to browse patches/jam along with patterns. Ah well, can’t have everything!

Hi. Thanks for this useful info. I am setting up a footpedal (Behringer FCB1010) to send PC messages to change patterns on my OT, but although I had it working originally, it now seems to select Patters I01 onwards, even though I’m sending PC0 etc, and I have bank 1 selected on the OT (I can’t seem to send bank change messages from the FCB)
Any ideas ?

On OT, if you are not already in the half of the pattern banks (A-H or I-P) that you want, you need to send a MIDI CC 0 message:

  • with a value of 0 to access pattern banks A-H or
  • with a value of 1 to access pattern banks I-P.

That CC message then needs to be immediately followed by the Program Change message.


Great, thanks :+1:t5:

This has all been very helpful as ive just found the need for it.

Anyone know if you can use a foot switch to increment patterns?

All of the above seems to relate to selecting specific patterns (correct me if I’m wrong), which is great, but would be really handy to have one foot switch that triggers the next pattern, then the next bank after pattern 16 in each bank.

Am i asking for too much? :slight_smile:

Here is an example:

It’s possible to write a Arduino sketch for the Retrokits RK-002 cable that does exactly that. But you must be a bit computer-savvy with some basic knowledge of coding in C (and some time to spare). Not an overly complicated project though. Nice for a long winter evening…

Hello, for me program change works but it change after the end of the pattern (16 to 64 steps), do you thinks there is a way to change it directly ? Thank

I believe you can change in pattern settings. Press FUNC + PATTERN. then adjust P CH LEN. I think…I’m not by mine to verify.

Thank you, you mean func+bank ?
I tried with func+bank
Tried to change use pat set to 256/15
Tried to change plays free then trig quant to direct
Tried a lot of settings but no changes

maybe something to tweak in these menus.

Hi. I’m pretty sure it’s the use pattern set. parameter. I’ll let you know when I’m at my OT later. I forgot to check when I got home the day I responded.

Use pat set determines how many steps after a pattern change command that pattern will change.

Thank you, I tried in chain behavior but it’s minimum 2/16 no direct :frowning: I think it’s not possible, I don’t know why.

That’s a common ̶f̶l̶a̶w̶ feature of the whole elektron line unfortunately. I won’t go back to the ̶o̶b̶s̶c̶u̶r̶e̶ technical reasons behind this ̶r̶i̶d̶i̶c̶u̶l̶o̶u̶s̶ ̶l̶i̶m̶i̶t̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ safe behaviour, there are tons of threads discussing this ̶i̶s̶s̶u̶e̶ clever implementation of program changes.

If you want to bypass this, one solution is to use a midi processor :

  • Each time your master will send a pc the midi processor will delay the pc message, stop the sequencer, send pc message and relaunch sequencer. Works like a charm.

  • The other workaround could be to send pc 2 beats before you actually want it to change. It implies that you have a device which can do that.

This post contains some technical solutions despite obvious trolling in the first part please flag responsibly. :innocent:

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Thank you, this is the best answer. :man_student:

Behringer FCB1010 sends PC first, then CC.