How the Internet ruins productivity (by design)

Just make your way to the end of the internet. It’ll take awhile, but it will be worth it when you have nothing left to do but play with musics.


I hardly have time at home for music, and productivity in regards to making music is ever increasingly becoming scarcer because of it. I’ve somewhat come up with a workaround though which still includes using the internet. Research and planning!

All my current/future projects in music and other creative fields are now all fleshed out by planning, and the execution stage has become much shorter. I have three music projects that I have barely made any actual recordings as of yet, but I have most of the music scored (in my head at least), many of the sounds created, lyrics written, and compositions drafted. This means I just need to play, program, sing etc. and I should be about 90% of the way finished without spending tons of time noodling away in the studio. I’m doing the same thing for some woodworking projects and art projects.

I also think that doing this research and planning has increased the quality of what I have been working on, and makes it much easier to create new work even with my more limited time. Certain things call for more experimental techniques, and only working in the studio can achieve these desired results, for example sampling/audio manipulation, but my writing has been fairly productive given a pretty good grasp on scales/melody/harmony/rhythm.


But he is oversimplifying his topic. Social Media Plattforms and “the internet” is not the same thing. Social Media is just one way to use the internet, definitly with addictive potential.

Woah old post, forgot this. Know the feeling, I’ve come to terms with the fact that even if I spent all that time in the studio I’d mostly be sitting round when I don’t feel like it trying to force something. Best music is made when you’re doing it cause you want to, not because you feel guilty about wasting time.

Obviously consciously make time for practice etc etc. Sometimes sitting down and fucking around with synths for five minutes on a bad day can put you in the right mood. Other times I don’t want to play, but I’m still deep into the life of it hence wasting time on gear forums rather than other social media. Just don’t waste the days you are in the right mood by sitting on your phone, play until your sick of it then break

@dfunk1983 sage advice, I have all these plans but when I sit in my studio I just end up playing around with no real direction and going with whatever I feel like that day. Definitely not the most effective nor productive method. Need to focus more on preplanning and execution

dude DARPA built the internet as a surveillance tool… it’s built from the ground up for spying and intelligence gathering… the only difference today is that “victory” is defined as taking your money rather than your life. but we spend our lives working for money…


Wait a minute, this isn’t about the Octatrack :thinking:
Why was I on here?!?

Anyway I spend my life just flowing and growing, sometimes there’s money, sometimes there’s not, I always seem to have food and shelter though. Somehow I even have an Octatrack… I get what your saying though, not trying to come back at you or anything, just need to chime in my feelings that you can follow your heart instead of living mostly in the rat race and still get by even though it’s tricky in this day and age… I have a really good time even…


i hear you man. just tragic that human spirit wants to form connections but power turns that instinct into exploitation. keep on making tunes :slight_smile:


Conversely, I reactivated my facebook account to get realtime information from real people about the forest fires devastating the country.

Mainly because TV and radio stations are unreliable, and inaccurate, not to mention manipluative.

Facebook along with sentinel hotspots data offers More up to date and reliable information than any other source. Verified by mutliple witnesses.

Even the most volatile or ugly aspects of this world have a use, depends how you handle them.

The internet doesn’t ruin my productivity, my own focus or lack of it does that. And I alone am responsible for developing and cultivating my own focus.

For every one affected by fires in Australia right now, be smart, stay safe.


as for me, it’s simple: if internet ruins your productivity — stop using internet.
at least stop complaining about it on the web :grin:

p.s. i mean stop completely, including youtube tutorials & gear or software reviews.

There’s a great app called Self Control which will block certain sites for a period of time. If I’m in a serious productive mode I use it every day. Literally wake up, block all my most visited sites, then get back to work. I’ll even add those various sites to my iPhone and turn on restricted mode. I’ll be honest, I’m like a frikn moth to the flame when it comes to screens. I think there’s something to do with that in us. The old campfire or moon or whatever. But I pretty much think a flickering display is, honestly, one of the best drugs out there.

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Back to reading the manual, offline. :golfing_man:


I guess Wiki has a social media platform now, that is selling itself as a safe alternative to Self-exploitation via FB.
Actually, I miss targeted newsgroups like .rec back in the day. It seemed to suffice. FB for me now is basically Eventbook, just to keep up with shows and the like.
It seems to me the more facts come about like Cambridge Analytics, people are forced to deal with their addiction, and so, cognitive dissonance ensues. I would think people would use it less, but actually since the Zuck Hearings, the stock continues to do well and add yet more users. It’s incredible.
It’s sad to see that it is the only social connection some people have. It’s bizarre that people actually want to share every little detail about themselves in a public way, maybe this has to do with subconscious mimicry of actual celebrities, or everyone basically being a product on the market, the currency being dopamine.