How the Internet ruins productivity (by design)

IMO it’s people, which use the internet technology to get users attached to their services and products, not the medium by itself.

Is movie-technology making people smoke, because there have been ads for smoking at the beginning of the movie (thinking about this one guy, riding on a horse, obviously enjoying freedom and having a good time and then … lightning this particular brand cigarette …)?

There have been always people, who successfully manipulated people through the media, almost always for the bad, and they are doing it right now and they will continue to try.

The video blames the internet without clarifying, what the author means by saying “internet”. But that’s not the point. The important point was to tell us that we are responsible how we receive media content and that we can escape manipulation and how. If people know about manipulation and how to protect themselfs, manipulation will become less powerful … and this would be for the good of all :smiley:

Edit: I can confirm the last part of the video. When I made myself aware of the situations, when I made a break to smoke, I realised, that I should change the situation. I did, stopped smoking directly, and bought me something fine with the money saved … :wink:

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in a way yes it does. Smoking is literally paying to poison your body, and not even in a “junk food” way, like quite literally inhaling concentrated smoke with no positive benefits at all. Smoking in movies and television has had a long lasting massive impact on the public perception of it. Not necessarily a specific brand but undoubtedly a whole ton of young people think smoking is cool, and a large part of that is influenced by a long history of smoking being romanticised in television, which wouldn’t be possible without the technology.

I don’t think the guy was attacking the internet as a whole though. A bit like saying car crashes and pollution wouldn’t happen without cars. it’s not saying cars are bad for humanity, just saying drive responsibly


That’s exactly how I understood the final minutes of the video and he’s blunt right!

The title is a reference to clickbait design. In the video itself he analyses interwebz from more specific angle: internet as the way a vast majority of the users are experiencing today. These are mostly the semi-closed, specifically designed environments, our facetubes and twittograms, that are financial enterprises and today responsible for about half of the content daily created. The cynical design of these environments is nurturing the addiction and directly benefiting from it financially. Sadly, this design is more and more becoming ‘industry standard’ and content services oriented world wider web is looking very different from what it used to be like say 10 years ago.

There is a whole new school of media studies that is working with these questions using terms like Nudge Theory and Dark Patterns.


I killed all my social media habits too.
Deleted all profiles and never looked back. Freedom in that space!
Also 1 forum/interest is the max for me, got things to do in physical+mindful presence.
And finally, want my offspring to learn by example(s) and not by force. (Or the least possible that is).


Social media should be called anti-social media, a daily dose of faux outrage mostly.


Still hard to quit.


I am addicted too, there are some interesting groups in Facebook. I think the current campaign running against Facebook is going in the direction that an Arabic spring type of revolution wont be possible. If things may get worse, it may be shut down, so there is no public agenda of the people.

Even the new police laws allow now to alter messages between users. Not only copy /store.

Even our citys suggest in our media, that data is the new oil, and that the officials should start to trade in data.

If you speak in general terms, the public announcement that the elections in the US /Europe was beeing influenced by targeted advertising, rises the question who governs the media.

A lot of things are obvious now, but not general consense, because a lot of people still need official confirmation for the information they get.

Anyway, i should delete Facebook.

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Go for it. I don´t regret it.


I never could stomach the EULAs of most social media platforms (mainly the clausules stating I wouldn’t own my own data), so I never joined. One less thing to quit I guess… I am just glad that maybe one day I wont be considered ”weird” anymore for never opting in in the first place, as there used to be a time when you couldnt even nail a job without owning a facebook account.

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I always thought ppl used twitter during Arabic Spring?

Here ya go buddy, chew on this stuff… :smile:

@rex_mundii, My new favorite saying is “I’m probably just as much right as I am wrong about that” :joy:
and many derivatives of the concept… :wink:

In the early days of the net it was fun and non vanilla. Took absolutely ages for a page to load but less instant gratification. Its this IG thing thats at fault. I mean having to wait an extra millisecond can actually cause anger is kinda ridiculous. But speed an d adrenaline are addictive.


It was quickly blocked in country by some very sophisticated technology.

LOL…i should sample some of that stuff right into my digitakt, and do the conspira-sea-rap…:smiley:

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Tell that the guys who wait for Overbridge…lol

See now im thinking of that ww2 german military commander who was famous for saying “I know nothing”. (Not applying it to you, the phrase is just stuck in my head)

It’s ruining it now… I could be writing music but instead I’m reading this!

Jeepers, didn’t mean to remind you of that… :joy:

But now you remind me of the saying “I cannot confirm nor deny that” haha, don’t know who said it, I use that one sometimes… :smile:

I waste too much time browsing forums, gear sites and YouTube rather than making tunes. It’s like an addiction. Help me