How big has the Octatrack been for Elektron?

No idea about volume of sales etc… what I know is that almost every live electronic act I see seems to be using one, I’m guessing thats a sign it’s been pretty popular and that there’s little competition on that front still. I think it’s been the most Iconic piece of gear they produced and certainly helped in getting them on the map… but then again let’s not forget about the MD, thats the kit that made people take notice, IMHO.


Digitakt is the best selling Elektron device, for sure.


Agree about MD and MnM as really getting things going. I guess they’re discontinued, and the OT is still in production, hence it’s continued relevancy/discussion.

Lately I’m in the Octatrack threads pondering picking a new one up after selling previously, but then I’m reminded of the old ‘save’ workflows from that era and I have second thoughts…

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MD and MnM were definitely the devices that made their reputation (especially because of Autechre). They are way more important than the Analogs, which were surprisingly limited at launch compared to how they are now. OT is the company’s true slowburner, tho, like an album that gets better with time and repeated listenings. I remember all the early thoughts about OT being centered around it being a potential DAW in a box, and that conversation continued for so long that it harmed its reputation early on when people found out that it came up short on that front (imo). DT is the king in terms of Elektron’s current reputation tho - it’s the gateway drug that unlocks people’s interest in all the other devices before and since. Generally speaking, yady yada, of course.


Yeah in pretty sure this is the case. I don’t think it’s even close.
But as has been said, it’s not just the one device that made them such a well known brand.

No. According to @Ess in 2018:

However, looking back in time, this topic:

discussing this 2015 newspaper article with Elektron’s CEO:öretaget-elektron-bryter-ny-mark-1.100100

states (in translation):

After a tough period, things started to happen. When they released the sampler Octatrack six years ago, it turned around and the company began to turn over multi-million sums.


I’m pretty sure the Overhub is what keeps the company going.



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It’s definitely not their best selling device, but it’s the most versatile one. That’s why there is so much talk about even after all these years. You can accomplish 1000 and one thing with it - just limited by your (or your friendly co-elektronaut’s) imagination and creativity.


Or the most mysterious?


AND their most mysterious one, right :smiley:


Is that an official promo shot or did you make it? I honestly can’t tell :joy: It’s so much like their recent promos of products chilling in a swamp, or a forest after a massive fire haha


Octa is more suited for dystopic looking environments^^


I personally love their old marketing campaigns :yellow_heart:


Not to get all scientific about it, but here:

Just having a little fun. If this is too troll-ish or off-topic, I’ll remove.


I think rather than sales alone, a good question is
“Is octatrack their ‘best’ instrument?”
It’s subjective of course but if octatrack is elektron’s masterpiece then in a way it could be said it’s their biggest one.
I heard of OT before any other elektron. I still don’t own one but I do have a DT and DN. But it was OT that actually highlighted elektron for me. So for me getting the DT was based on the fact that I knew OT was amazing, and it was half the price with many of the same features (to a new user like me).
Is OT their masterpiece? From these forums it almost seems like it but hard to know as I’ve not tried it.
Can it be topped? Probably. Will it? Who knows.


SID, MD and MNM already set a pretty sturdy foundation. They were where the new way of werking came to be.

P-Locks…what’s that!? :slight_smile:

At a guess, I would say DT has been their biggest seller.


You’re always stuffing your Octatrack in the ground at graveyards, using it as flip flops, or hiding it in the jungle. I’m surprised it’s still working!