Hip-Hop Beat Battle #33: Voting and Results

Awesome job once again, hosting is always a great privilege and never forget how amazing it is that a bunch of musicians from all over the world made something together out of pure love of beats and bars!

Saturday (2024-09-07 :nerd_face:) is the deadline for voting.

3 pts for 1st
2 pts for 2nd
1pt for 3rd




Wow I am blown away by the quality of the beats! I think this might be the best battle I participated in so far!


Real good beats, everybody. Enjoyed it.


beat battle 33 or 34 ?


Yo! This tape turned out great, good job everybody!

@blaize why not #33?


I’m pretty sure the thread was “beat battle 34”. It’s not important.

Great playlist, good job everyone.

1 Like

It was 33 the whole time! Gotcha!

@Lailai agree this is a good one, sound like we know what we are doing

@everyone there’s 2 more tracks being added so as of 7am est the playlist will be final. Obviously don’t vote until then


Awesome, 2 more to add to my long list :joy: Great work everyone.


Ok new tracks are up so there’s a total 0f 14! nice!

I was going to reorder them but Ive spent enough time navigating Soundcloud this round. Happy listening y’all!


Damn what a great selection, you guys don’t make this easy when it comes to voting


Can we just take a moment to appreciate the intro beat? Quelle bonus!


Thanks! I actually recorded myself doing like a “welcome to the battle” voiceover with a vocoder when the Carly Simon beat starts but I got too embarrassed and decided to delete it


How yall doing on voting, I’ve successfully narrowed it down to 8 entries so far lol


I got numbers one and two. For 3 there are 3 or 4 candidates. Plus I want to do some HM’s.


I’m having a hard time averaging my areas of importance, as I took notes based on both production, and then additional notes based off of what felt was the most in sync with the topic and the vibe of native tongues (as well as creativity with the field recordings). I think it’s going to come down to preference because these criteria split the voting pool into too much of a conflict of interest in some regards.

I know this comes totally down to personal opinions in the end and everything is excellent in it’s own way, so it’s too hard and really not a fair assessment for the criteria to be strictly production techniques or strictly composition/vibe.

I’ll give it my 6th or so listen when I have time. I’ve been saving the headphone test for last because I want to be as fair as possible before I do any critical listening to the production in the context of a headphone mix. I feel like going straight to a good set of cans sort of removes impartiality, because how much classic hip hop did I fall in love with listening to dubbed tapes on shitty speakers or garbage walkman headphones? The answer is a lot.

Maybe I’m thinking too hard about this but I want to give you guys my undivided attention and support in contributing to the outcome here, whatever I submitted is beside the point.

I enjoy this elektronauts community so much and just happy to give genuine support in any way that I can. On the real. Thanks for everyone’s positivity and contributions.


Okay my friends, The bullet went through the church
(as we say in good Dutch…)

It’s great, and I like that it’s included, though it seems like we’re not supposed to judge it?

Very moody, with a lazy groove and organic progression. Love the surprise of hearing the “1nce again” hook. Super loose and keeps interest throughout.

Amazing. It feels like a warm blanket of sound with lots of low end. Love the keys, and the chosen ATCQ acapella is fire. The drum programming and keys improvisation make this an instant #1. Hard to beat. 3 points

Hard beat. Eerie jungle atmosphere combined with crow sounds. I like the breakdown and build. The vocals are kind of intimidating (in a good way).

Funky af, with a live feel and lots of personality. The punch-in effects are applied masterfully.

I like the jazzy sample selection. Very much on point with the theme—it could be an original from the '90s.

Love the drop in the beginning. The feel of this beat is great, so damn tasteful. The Busta Rhymes part is amazing, and the bird sound to end his bars is the cherry on top. 2 points

Simple but effective, very much on theme. Nice, tasteful chops.

Great build of tension in the intro. Love how the keys fade in quietly before the drums drop. A very tasteful beat with stank face all the way through. Funky panning and full of personality. The hook is haunting yet lovely.

Another banger. The samples work so well together, and the rhythm’s anticipation is great. So many layers create a super nice atmosphere.

Love the intro, and the hard acapella, especially the “come on.” Soulful guitars and awesome breaks. This one’s tough to beat. And those scratches at the end are the cherry on top! 1 point

Love the organs. It feels like the entire composition was built from the ground up using single sampled notes. Great job.

This one feels cohesive and well-put-together, with a classic soundscape. I wanted to hear it play out longer.

Great outro beat for the tape. Love how it ties back to the intro with the rhythm guitar sample. Were they made by the same beatsmith?

Fantastic beat. Love the drums, growling bass, and the delay on the howling monkey.

The melancholic sample in the intro is beautiful. It contrasts nicely with the haunting main beat and sped-up vocals. If the sample is still there, it’s hard to find, so great work on recontextualizing.


  • 02 – 3 points
  • 06 – 2 points
  • 10 – 1 point

Honorable Mentions: All the rest!


I’ll try and get my votes in this evening UK time. Been mad with work and it’s still going today. Absolutely loving the whole playlist though have been listening loads!


3 points for 12
2 points for 1
1 point for 10

I could really go deep into explaining my reasoning, but for now I just want to cast my vote and say that it was incredibly difficult to even get down to 3 let alone ranking them or any others. Everyone’s beat was in the running.