Here is a launchpad mini mk3 OT template

Obviously you will need a midi host to use it with Octatrack but seems to work well:
Bottom row is toggle audio track 1-8 amp vol, off is 0 on is 64, handy for mutes where you don’t want fx tails cut (and the main reason why I made the template)
Next row is midi track mutes toggle
Next two keyboard rows for playing chromatic (NB Novation mapping is one octave different to Elektron, so this accounts for this)
Next is crossfader horizontal slider.
Finally top row is record AB arm for track 1-8, it is set to momentary as this allows best flexibility with rec setup types (eg One/Hold)
Channel mapping is default settings, so ch 1-8 for audio track 1-8, auto channel 11.



Thanks darenager! Gonna try this out

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Cool, let me know how you get on!

Thanks for sharing

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Raspberry Pi can do job perfectly as UBS/MIDI host


Even Pi Pico apparently now too!


it looks bit more complicated then with Raspbery Pi but still doable

I did not look into yet, but which part looks complicated? The code side or hardware side?

ok after second look it does not :wink:

Is there a drag and drop option like for other pico stuff? Messing with CLI and SDK and VS is not something that I am prepared to or really familiar enough to do.