Launchpad for Octatrack

hi everyone
just finished my pure data patch for novation launchpad mini mk1
it turns launchpad mini mk1 into mute,solo,cue,crossfader,scene,and program change controler in one page of 64 knobs
i am running it on mac now but my goal is to run it on raspberry pi so it will be as stand alone!
anyone interested to check the patch?


This looks great. Shame it needs a computer

Do you think this would be portable to the APC Mini?

i think so yes
most work was with the logic of the buttons,switching pages,and etc
you just change to addresses (notes and cc numbers that goes to buttons) accordingly to your will and voila!
of course that is just the start…
in fact back in time i was also thinking about something like that for akai midi devices

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Ah well if it’s just a case of needing a MIDI host I have a Bome box. Would that suffice then ? Or do i need something that runs (to run) pure data ?

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Hi Guys, hopefully this is the right thread. I am trying to recreate the novation template (Absolutely bonkers that they didn’t share it themselves) but the CC messages from the manual do not seem to line up with components:

Anyone managed to make it ?

A while back I made a template for the mini:


nice work! I’ll check it out. Tried making my own but a lot of times the Midi notes from the manual did not do what it said. I emailed novation to ask :smiley:

The reason the notes don’t work is because Elektron and Novation use a different note number for middle C. I can’t remember which way around it is but easy to try mapping a note to seq stop A1 (33) try it on Novation as 21 and 45, if it stops on 21 just deduct 12 from the values in OT manual, if it stops with 45 just add 12 to the values in OT manual.


Novation was kind enough to share the template they used in the vid:
Launchpad Pro Octatrack (166.8 KB)

@darenager I used your template to get Novation’s to work. ie. change midi channel 9 to 11.

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