Help with comb filter synthesis

I watched and followed this video to a T

I asked max marco and he said my problem which is that I’m using the headphones out and I can’t get any white noise to be generated or the really low tech sounding high hats at around 3:30 in the video. I’m gonna try it on main out but he said that shouldn’t be a problem. I’d love for some help the technique he used really inspired me and the comb filter synthesis can be really interesting. Thanks y’all you’re all really such a big help

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Also try a simple white noise sample, just set the amp envelope very short.
You can also try any percussive samples, some work better than others, depends on what you want to achieve of course.
Play around with various filter and resonance settings.

LFO modulation on Amp Hold, Amp Release, Filter Env Decay, Filter Env Depth can alter the timbre in very interesting ways.

Try single cycle waveforms…


the pickle im in is that i want to be able to replicate what he does in the video to a T so that i know i can do it. when i do it and it doesnt work that means to me that i know not what im doing and that i need to get better. i know i can do a white noise sample but i guess its the principal

If I remember correctly, he basically samples the noisefloor and then pulls the volume up with everything available. So you just have to sample the noisefloor from the outputs and pull up the volume.

You can record inputs AB without anything plugged, and normalize the recording in Audio Editor. Press TRIM to select all quickly > EDIT > NORMALIZE SELECTION.
Eventually apply - 3db after, or decrease ATTRIBUTES GAIN.

Or, with a Thru, set VOL AB to max, Amp VOL to max, add a compressor with max gain, and comb filters. In that case, noise is more alive, changing all the time.

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