#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

I’m in. Need to play not shop.


Added! :raised_hands:

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Surprisingly calm here. Might just be fooling myself, but so far so good.


I once detailled what I bought and what I sold over the years and it turns out that the difference between the two averages to 1500euros a year, which is not too extravagant given it’s my only hobby, but is still a significant part of my revenue. If I don’t buy anything for a year, I suspect other expenses will eat this budget… maybe repairs, or home equipment. We’ll see…


I already told about my intentions on social media and got some extra synth people to join who are not on Elektronauts. The idea clearly resonates with people.

I also ordered the RC-600 but I realized that it probably won’t arrive until february. I’m thinking of a way to explain that to my girlfriend who already knows about my commitment to not buy anything. It’s big and it’s bright red it’ll be impossible to hide from her.


The best way to avoid the call of new gear is to quit the forums :wink:

That said, I’m in @Joebas. I have more than enough junk to play with already.


Already in. My no purchases period ends April 22. Not just gear but games and everything. It’s pretty freeing and I stopped thinking about it.

“It’s not what you have it’s what you’re free from”

Good luck babe!


Carry it in with pride. It’ll be the last in a long time :heart:

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Thank you :+1:

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A tip is to keep a journal, and do trackers and stuff in it and write off your experience! Just make sure you buy the journaling book before the period starts! :wink: there’s millions of pens, markers and beautiful books so that can be a gear hunt to… rhodia has a nice book, goal book.


I agree. I know plenty of people who would burn through that on a few nights clubbing, weekends away, football season ticket plus days out pretty quickly. I don’t really do anything else either, the odd road or mountain bike every 10-15 years perhaps and car etc as needed.
I’ve got 2 really good reasons to do this - 1. I have more than enough gear already (even though I want more), 2. I want to act more considerately and spend free money on family instead of the music obsession.


lovely idea. i’m in :raised_hand:


Splendid! Added :raised_hands:

Right, that’s me then…

Slipped in a Thomman order for a Perfourmer MkII, to arrive in “11-14 weeks”.
I’m very happy to wait if it takes longer.

I was marginally tempted to bundle in the Keystep Pro for sequencing but decided I’ll give it a go with my Digitone on sequencing duties, for a year at least!
Might be a chance for me to spend more time unveiling the DN’s potential more than I have already too.

That’s the extent of my pre-2022 splurge, given that I’ve really gone for it this year already. No regrets, but I look forward to doing a bit of extra saving, particularly in light of the fact that family travel opportunities appear to be throttled until all the wacky restrictions are lifted.

Does a couple of focal shape 65s count? If not, I’m in

Yes, they count. Else, I wouldn’t know where to draw the line? :slight_smile:

this morning i was thinking of the “swear jar” concept. instead of making that impulse gear purchase, maybe pick a charity as your go-to recipient. so the next time i’m seconds away from clicking that checkout button, i instead donate some cash to a local hunger organization or some place helping refugees. maybe that idea strays from the intention of this thread, but it could be useful to some and definitely more helpful to others that a new mono synth for you. if you end up doing something like this, post links to causes worth donating to.


For me, this is a great idea. My oldest is graduating from high school so freshman year of college is looming on the horizon. Gotta start saving for all the extra expenses that aren’t included with tuition. Moving, gas, food, clothes, etc. I really can’t spend another dime on my toys/gear once January 1st hits. Besides, I have everything I need. I might try to stay offline a little more too in order to make more music instead of doing what I’m doing right this minute- hanging out on the forum. Good idea, I’m in.


There’s a gulf between unrealistic goals and not having them!

I’m mostly kind to myself, there’s a bit of tongue in cheekness versus the Evangelical premarital/recreational sex-leads-to-dancing degrees of abstinence- it’s more a way to be cognizant of behavioral antipatterns.

I don’t expect it to be “perfect” but I can deal with a pedal or two every few months cash transaction over $1000+ Paypal Credits to pay down.


Mr Joeyfivecents is added, bringing us to 39 :raised_hands:

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