#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

I’m in a similar situation.

Have to pay for roof replacement, replacing insulation, etc. Would rather buy a Rhodes MK8, modular synth, etc. to show off to y’all but, it’s not in the cards.

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bummer dude that sucks yeah I need to put new fence up, resurface pool, new windows and new hardwood floors. At least home values are rising and it beats renting as I can play my synths loud anytime I feel like it plus have way more studio space so all good.

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I am hopefully buying a house this coming year and I probably have more gear than I need so I can easily commit to this

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Elektron is about to close elektronauts :rofl:


Hey now, I’ll just offload it to the next year.

I think this “no more gear” thing is admirable but I’m not a fan of new year resolutions etc because people (including me) set themselves unrealistic targets and then feel bad when they inevitably fail. It seems to serve the opposite of the desired effect.

I tried hard to not get caught up in Black Friday this year and I ended up spending about £100 in total on one piece of software, one sample pack and one cheap sample subscription deal to feed my SP-16. I’m not trying to show off, I’m just saying that it was a small personal victory for me and that’s something.

Perhaps better to say something like “I’m going to make an effort to not buy too much gear and only buy new gear after careful consideration and not use credit” or similar. I need to do that, I’m trying to sell £2k worth of hardware that I should never have bought and I’ll lose hundreds on it. A total waste that may have been avoided with a little bit more thought and self-awareness!

In short - set achievable goals!


I don’t see this goal as unrealistic at all.

It’s all down to self discipline. Long time ago I smoked a pack a day for seven years. People say that it’s hard to quit smoking. I just thought to myself: ”I’m not the type of guy that smokes cigarettes at all.” and quit cold turkey. No patches, no chewing gums, no nothing. People who quit things usually count days: ”I’ve been smoke free for two months!” I usually say that you haven’t really quit until you can’t count days anymore. I don’t have the faintest idea of how long I’ve been smoke free, somewhere around six or seven years.

Last january we took part in the vegan month challenge with my gf. It was so easy and felt so good that we decided to continue it. It’s been a year soon and I’ll never go back to eating cheese or eggs. Anything is achievable if you really want to.

I’ve always been a man of principles. I was straight edge before I ever knew the whole term because I saw what alcohol did to people and I didn’t like it. I drank alcohol for the first time when I was 23 and to this day I’ve never even tasted coffee. Spending a year not buying music gear is going to be hard, because I’m an addict, but I’ll do it anyway just to show myself that I can.


Im cool with setting whatever goals i want to set AND being ok with imperfection.


You must not own an Octatrack. Haha


Indeed, the point being to have goals that are achievable for yourself and not setting yourself up for failure. Although to be clear, nobody is perfect and it’s better to try and fail than to never try.

Good for you for going vegan. I’ve been veggie for over a decade and I’m curious about going vegan but I’ll admit it looks like a tough one, I’m like a lot of veggies and I lean on dairy a lot. I know some vegans who have had health problems so that doesn’t encourage me but it’s obviously fine if you’re careful and make sensible choices so as to not miss out on vital parts of your diet.

Excuse the tangent…back to music gear!


Money talks :money_mouth_face:

That’s exactly what we are doing. And, to me, it feels way more achievable, when we do it together. I’ve tried the route of small goals, by myself, many times, and it doesn’t really work for me. But thanks for the perspective.


I’ve added you to the list :+1:

36 people - I did not see that coming :slight_smile:


I have faith in 35 of them.


:joy: I have faith in them all! :muscle:


Imagine the gear buying orgy on 01-01-2023 :rofl:


If I get through to, say, October, I’m definitely starting a thread called ”what are you going to purchase on 01-01-2023 and what are your intentions with it all?”


I’m already very nervous!!! Current set up is a TR8S, subharmonicon, TD 3 (and Korg minilogue not currently plugged in…) Plus a couple of reverb and delays. I’v changed that about 50 times this year and last but nervous this set up won’t be versatile enough to last a year… !!

Still in return period on the subH and the Korg - very tempted to swap them out for a octatrack… always been on the fence but that would certainly be deep enough for a years learning!!! Not sure how well it pairs with the TR8S (which I love for drums) and maybe not in the spirit but still!!

Anyone else nervous!! :joy:

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I’m in. Need to play not shop.


Added! :raised_hands:

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Surprisingly calm here. Might just be fooling myself, but so far so good.