Got inspiring OT performances to share?

This is great! I really like how your drums have space, and “jungle” slicing fun.

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After owning the OT for about 8 years. I recently started to appreciate the LFO designer a lot.

You can setup all 8 tracks either midi or audio tracks and use the LFO of track 1 for all track and than randomise the LFO with 1 push. This will spit out loops of CC over each track to whatever variable you want instantly.

It sort if control randomness great for experimentation and getting new ideas.

I would like to know if this was implemented after firmware upgrade or original in the design. Anyhow it is to me a massive cool feature which to my knowledge no other gear can do unless you go modular.



Nice. You had an arrangement ready or are you changing pattern faster than my eyes can see ?

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Ow I see you mean sound performance’ instead of performance tricks…anyway. :sunglasses:

Correct. I dont use song mode on anything.

Tons of videos and usefull links here by @Max.A. You’ll be occupied for a month or more!
Free Octatrack Tutorials list - #15 by Max.A

I think my videos are not very didactic nor beginner friendly but this one seems understandable and potentially fun.

My OTher videos


Nice links thanks ! I got the OT mainly because I have never loved a piece of gear like I love the DT, and while I love its limitations, I felt compelled to explore what a more flexible device like the OT could do.

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Not my style of music but these @nedrush videos are great:

He approaches it with an open mind and does some really fun stuff.



Not mine, but this vid tipped me into “I need an OT now” mode


Thanks everyone for your contributions! Somehow it finally clicked. I have a basic roadmap now. But learning how the use the OT is like a Dunning-Kruger rollercoaster so…

For me there’s two that stand out. The “what it does” video by Dataline, and a video by Paul Shemyakin that I think was called “Octatrack meets Britney” where he played a remix of Criminal on the OT. Sadly I can’t find this anymore, if anyone knows this video and where to see it I will be very happy :blush:

Here’s a live stream of mine using the OT. My bit starts at around 20 mins.


Not sure if this can be considered creative use, but here is my set from last year.
I use OT trickery rather subtle I guess, lot‘s of resampling for the transitions and some scenes for retriggering and randomization of sliced samples


Mark Broom has been pumping out some cracking OT videos. There’s loads on his IG.

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Not OT but still something I come back too for inspiration.

*there’s an OT right next to the MD.


This is inspiring and all around awesome and has an Octatrack. Thanks for posting.


I’ve been really enjoying VoltageCtrlRtv’s performances

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This explanation and performance of using the comb filter made me buy it. I use the comb filter quite a bit still but this vid is awesome!