Give ‘em an inch - Adam A7X or A8X?

If you were a a bit of Rogue you could order one then return it…

Its not expensive and good to have around :slight_smile: if you plan to change the room or install some acoustic treatment especially.
I have one that came with Sonarworks and it works well with REW or other software too.


Yeah I know :slight_smile: I do see a lot of B-Stock measurement mics though…

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Awesome monitors. I use my 120A’s with the 850 sub, and will never need anything else

If it’s of any interest, I’ve decided on the Adam A8X. :+1:


Definitely of interest. I’d love to see what you think when you get them.

My cycle is synth-synth-effect-mixing-monitoring-synth-synth-synth-effect-mixing.

Probably all wrong :smiley: but when I come back around to monitoring again this will be important! Hehehe

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I will report back as soon as they are broken in.

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I’ve owned both. The 7’s had better clarity in the mids, the 8’s obviously had better low end extension. It’s a trade off.


Yep, that’s what I’ve read about 'em. I reckon I am gonna want those lows.


Solid words, mon frére!
Something new is fun, you are right.
Almost making me think of cashing in on them and beginning my modular endeavours.
At the moment they are acting as speaker stands for the Yammies. Painful.

There is a rather big voice in the back of my head though. It’s telling me that the Adams will be used in the future. Also, they are too big and bassy for where I’m living right now.


I’m a little late to the party here but I did a test of all the different models of Adam speakers in 2018 as part of a massive rebuild where I worked (TV production studios). We tested A3, A5, A7 and A8. If we stuck with Adam we’d have ordered something like 200 of them for about 90-100 edit rooms (ie, budget about $150k US when you factor in spares, etc). What I found was the sound was great but yeah they are super heavy and what eventually led us to choose Neumann KH 120s over them wasn’t Adams’ fault, the guy that was in charge had friends that worked for Sennheiser (owner/supplier of Neumann here in the USA).

I was a big advocate of the Adams but the A8s were too heavy for us to mount on the walls as well - the A7 and the KH 120 both use the same wall mount mechanism iirc; a bolt and claw thing that mounts into a stud. A7 would’ve been my choice for sure. The difference in size is big so room size is a factor too, the A8s just dominated some of the smaller rooms but would’ve worked well in a bigger room.

I will say this, the sales rep from Adam was super accommodating. Sent us several pairs to try (I’m sure his commission had something to say about it); any questions I had were quickly answered, etc. About half the Neumanns we wound up getting had a PSU problem and needed to be sent for repair shortly after install. No shade towards them, they promptly fixed the ones that had problems but it was a big annoyance at the time in such a big environment constantly having to replace bad speakers.


100 pairs of monitors would be something I would love to try, haha :slight_smile: doing some multi channel multilayer work would be fun!

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