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Is there an audio overlay of all 5 teasers yet?

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yep scroll up several pages, i posted it a while back :+1:

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Hearing this I’m guessing a model:synth.
Hoping for a Digi:something


sounds as nervous as this threads reads.

I hope all that is true but in the OT size box

“What is this, a freak-out?”

It is only the start

Seriously, I want an OT mk3 now >.<

I’m all about working with samples and want a machine that fully gets me off the DAW, but mk2 is too outdated for me to invest in it. I couldn’t bear to pay such a price and have a mk3 come out after.
But as soon as they release a mk3 I’ll do what I can to buy one.

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Definitely going to be the size of the analog MKII boxes. They add more space for buttons so makes sense.

Digiredux: 4 stereo channel sampling mixer with analog filters in Digi format.
Did I win?

but :slight_smile: why ?

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have you actually tried one? I’ve had one (mk2) maybe a year now, and despite the design’s age, it definitely doesnt feel like its outdated to me. Insanely creative and inspiring thing - cant ever imagine regretting it as a purchase. I mean, this statement could age very badly very quickly, but I’m not convinced there’ll be a mk3 any time soon.

Just to be clear, these might or might not be announced tomorrow. Superbooth is just around the corner. Individual outs as well as sampling on the MD successor have been confirmed too. Also, there will not be two versions of the MD successor. Only one with all the UW functions + more like sampling waveforms and using those as an LFO shape.

The latest teaser clay animation does resemble the Machinedrum logo.

Sounds like the Countdown theme on a substance or two…

so 26thFeb @ 00h01 isn’t it ?

It’s an :elan: Meme

This sort of vibe of certainty hasn’t been seen since the “Those wanting a new OT will be happy” days!

Still, fingers are crossed for something special.


I had a few minutes with one in a music store, I didn’t like the haptics of it, the Digitakt feels more sturdy. I am also hoping they’ll make a UI overhaul for a possible mk3.
And for my style of music, a great sounding reverb and timestretch algorithm is quite important, and both sound just cheesy in the existing OT models. I decided not to invest that amount into a device that doesn’t fully convince me.

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