Gear audit- What have you bought in the last 12 months that you are certain you’ll still have in 10 years time?

Octatrack mkII I’ll keep :slight_smile:
OG Machinedrum, assuming I can get its encoders fixed & the insides last that long. got it relatively low price last month, happy to throw money at it to keep it running.
Does midi count? Faderfox uc4 was a great find and I see myself hanging on to that guy too, it really complements the OT


Seconding the TR-8s. I got mine somewhat fortuitously in a trade for some old Eurorack modules. I brought it home and found it quick and easy to work with.

Shortly after powering up the TR-8s for the first time, the door to my home studio opened and I was congratulated on moving up from fart machines to making actual music. Later, when I layered some of my exquisitely crafted experimental sounds over a TR-8s beat, I was congratulated once again on making good music.

So at the very least the TR-8s is worth keeping around so I can quickly throw down some nice beats when those I live with tire of my sonic experiments.


The Pro 3 I got in January (I can’t imagine ever needing another full-featured monosynth) and the TX7 I got last week from @Scot_Solida (because why would I get rid of this?).

Lots of other stuff I’m really enjoying (0-Coast, pedals, etc.) but nothing else I can honestly say I wouldn’t part with.


A4, MKII, Mackie 1642 VLZ4 mixer,
Cobalt8. Might sell at some point MPC One, Model:Samples, OT, MKII.

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Nord Electro 6: for gigs . . . Remember those? Those still aren’t happening anytime soon (for me, anyway)

Bitwig: Love it, but technology moves so fast

DFAM + Subharmonicon: outcome of pandemic boredom, but loving them . . . We’ll see what the future holds

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If I get tired of the sound (which is not going to happen), I can always put it in a glass-front box with some dried flowers and shells and hang it on my wall.

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The Pro3SE and an OP1.

The Pro3 is a dream synth. Absolutely love the sound and features. I got the SE version and it is just gorgeous too. It is the caliber instrument I consider my rickenbackers to be and just like those I will never sell the Pro3.

I had an OP1 before and regretted selling it. This time I know that nothing replaces an OP1. It may not be the best sounding or most functional device, but it’s an inspiring instrument for down time and I can play with it just about anywhere. It’s also pretty too, of course.


Last 12 months I bought.
Quadraverb. Makes my favourite reverb sounds
Pitsburgh SV1. Monstrous under rated synth, sounds incredible.
Analog Heat. For heating.
A&H zed 14. I love the A&H eqs, such nice sounding mixers.

Will still be using them in 10 years time. Because I dont plan on not making music in 10 years time. The above are all outstanding bits of gear, excellent at what they do, and built to last more than ten years.

(I’ll be keeping all my other gear for at least the next 10 years also, but I didnt buy any of that stuff in the last 12 months)


is it weird that I simultaneously relate to this:

and this:


anyway, I’ve gotten a lot of stuff in the past year. I can never say for certain that anything will stay forever. but I’d say the strongest candidate for 10+ years would be the Prophet 5 Rev 4. oh and probably my RME Fireface UFX II, because the last RME interface I bought 12 years ago is still here, and I adore the things.

and of the synths I own, here’s what I’ve had for over 10 years: Roland SH 5 and 7, Arp 2600, Korg MS 20, and the TE OP-1. a LOT has come and gone around those pieces. and some of it had been around for 10+ years too…

  • Apollo x8
  • Genelec 8040B’s
  • E-RM Multiclock
  • Blokas Midihub

Def my Polyend Medusa, that thing is wonderful.


My big purchases over the last year were the Digitakt, Digitone, and Novation Circuit Rhythm. I like all of them. I’ve got no intention of selling any of them but the Digitakt is the one I don’t see myself parting with if I’m still into this sort of thing going into my late 40s.

Right now it’s the centerpiece and I can see that changing. But it’s such a versatile piece that I think I’ll always have a use for it.


Bought other stuff too, but not sure I’ll keep for 10 years.

  • Torso T-1


-Nothing but sweet spots


Oh I forgot - I also traded up my Octatrack MK1 for an MK2 which will also be a long term keeper. I’ve been using an OT for several years so I wasn’t sure if it counted but the MK2 is still technically a new piece of gear.

Prophet 5 desktop, it’s all a synth needs to be,
Would have loved a keyboard version for the aesthetics though


My Nord Wave 2.

I’ve made way more purchases in the last 12 months than any other since I’ve been making music. I bought the Prophet 5 rev 4 specifically because I knew it would be something I had for the next 10 years and forever. So far it has lived up to that idea-I can’t imagine ever getting rid of it.

I also purchased the Isla s2400 with the intention that it will be a long term center of my studio. But I haven’t received it yet so this is still speculative.

I bought the Digitakt when it came out (so way longer than 12 months) and that thing is like an appendage at this point- I can’t see it ever not being a part of what I do.

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I think I recieved the Syntrx about 1 year ago exactly, pretty confident I will never sell it.