[FUNC] SaveProj - a project and pattern manager for Analog Four

Hi, Are there any chances to get that tool in Windows as well?


Just a quick request ( based on following other tools on here)

Can you add details of the firmware it is confirmed to work on

If they update the firmware you’ll get a lot of questions asking if it’s compatible.
Having this in the starting post will be really handy

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I will surely try to port it to Windows in the future, but currently I am busy with extending this functionality to Digitone


Great tip, thanks! Confirmed firmware versions are 1.51B and 1.51C - I added it to the starting post.


Looks good, will check it out. As the project structure on the Analog Rytm seems similar to the A4, any chance you’ll create one for the AR in the future?

Nice work - I can’t use it as I don’t have a Mac, but hopefully when you have time Windows will be handy for sure for a lot of people (and Linux even more so for me).

Good to see this sort of thing appear though - bravo.

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Sure thing. I just don’t have a Rytm at the moment, otherwise it would be the second device to support - it would be much easier to port [FUNC] SaveProj to Rytm than to Digitone.


I am a Linux guy myself. Actually when I decided to improve my process of moving patterns, I first started tinkering in Linux. But because of the way my Linux machine is set up (and latencies in QEMU USB implementation) I quickly realized, that for it to be actually useful, I better do it on Mac.

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Installed it yesterday and had a little time to try it out. It will certainly be useful and a time saver for me.

A version for the Rytm which helps with sample management would be amazing.

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God tier!! Thank you, will put this to work and test it out! Migrating an organizing projects and patterns is a weak point of the on-device workflow. Any chance of an Rytm version?

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Yes, I am working on making it available for other Elektron devices.


Oh please do one for digitakt! :slight_smile:

Thank you! Desperately need to do some housekeeping on my Elektrons and this may be just what’s needed.

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OMG, I’m buying a Mac just for this jk. But seriously, the more I think about This, the more I realize how the current Project Management gimps the Creation of complete musical Sets (at least for me). Sure, if you’re only creating single Patterns, it doesn’t matter much. But I want to create whole Sets. For this I feel like I have to pre-plan every minute Detail before even creating the first Pattern. And if any of my basic Assumptions about the Set change, I have to do Everything anew. For me, Creation is a cyclical Process, every Iteration also changes how you think about Everything else. I feel like the current Pattern Managment prevents me from doing just that.


In my case it’s not even creating sets, I just want to keep my patterns organized, while at the same time having as little friction as possible with the device. I like to power up the machine and write some music, but tedious organizational tasks kill my inspiration, and mess kills it even more (I can postpone the organizational tasks for when the inspiration is gone, but mess is always there).

Without this tool you have three options:

  1. Keep your projects messy with dead end sketches and learn to let go, I guess.

  2. Do the organizing on the device, which is painstakingly hard between the projects - due to song-pattern-kit connections, but mostly due to soundlocks, and on my Analog Four I use a lot of soundlocks. Dumping SysEx helps but not much.

  3. Set up a system of projects before you start making music (e.g. a project for downtempo, a project for fast techno, a sketchpad, etc.) which is again friction: having to decide what to load beforehand, and what if your inspiration takes you somewhere else - then your system has failed and you need to re-organize.

But with this tool I can just bang out patterns during my creative window, and then conveniently rename/organize/curate them later.


Great to see this release. I don’t suppose moving/swapping entire banks is possible? Also banks between projects? Once I’m ready for a show I’d like to put the banks in the order of the set list, I can do this with the OT files, if this allowed me to do the same on the A4 it’d be so useful

The program doesn’t work on banks as a unit, but what you can do is select all patterns in one bank and then copy/move them around together.

Here I load a project from the device into the left panel. Then I select all the patterns in bank D. Then I drag them over to the right panel and drop them in the A01 position - so the contents of bank D on the left now became the contents of bank A on the right (the kits and soundlocks are copied automatically).

Now I clear selection on the left and select all patterns in the bank B. I drop them into the position C01 in the right panel. Now the banks A and C are filled.

Let’s say now I want to have them in banks A and B, not A and C. I deselect the patterns of bank A and drag the patterns of bank C to bank B within the right panel. When I’m dragging within one panel, the patterns are moved, not copied. So now I only have banks A and B.

I can now create a new project on the A4, and write the contents of the right panel into it.

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Hi guys, a quick update: I just released a version of [FUNC] SaveProj for Digitone. In it I managed to implement support for Transfer files (.dnprj), working on any project without switching it on the device, and fixed the most annoying thing of the A4 version - long upload time. In the future I will retrofit these features also for the Analog Four app, but right now the focus is to continue making it available for other devices.


Another update: a version for Digitakt is available - currently just for Linux.

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Has there been any confirmation of this working w/ mk1 units? Seems like a great tool, would definitely use this!