[FUNC] SaveProj - a project and pattern manager for Analog Four

Hey fellow Elektronauts,

I just released a program for MacOS that allows you to manage your projects and patterns on a deeper level than what is allowed by Transfer or C6.

You can drag-and-drop items (songs, patterns, kits and sounds) between projects, and the dependencies will be kept. For example, you can select a song in one project, drag it to another project, and all dependent patterns will be copied along. Not only patterns, also the kits referenced by those patterns, as well as sounds used in soundlocks.

Re-organizing items within a project also works. For example, you can re-arrange the sounds in your soundpool and patterns with soundlocks will be updated with the new numbers.

Just connect your Analog Four MKII (might also work for MKI, but I haven’t checked), load the project into the program and start dragging. Remember to back up! You can also do it in the program, as it allows saving projects into files. When you’re done, you can send the project back to your Analog Four. The program works only with the project that is currently loaded on the device.

The functionality is further described in the app’s help. Confirmed to work on firmware versions 1.51B and 1.51C.

Check it out on the AppStore!


Very cool, congrats on the release

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good work!

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Amazing work! Thank you :slight_smile:

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Awesome! Will try with the Mk1.

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Congratulations and thank you. I shall investigate!

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Whoa - very cool. Thanks for sharing.

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This is absolutely awesome! I do not understand why elektron doesn’t incorporate stuff like this and elkherd with their software.


nice! has anyone tested on the mkI yet?

I really hope it works for MKI as well, or at least I can add support for it in the next release.

Hi, Are there any chances to get that tool in Windows as well?


Just a quick request ( based on following other tools on here)

Can you add details of the firmware it is confirmed to work on

If they update the firmware you’ll get a lot of questions asking if it’s compatible.
Having this in the starting post will be really handy

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I will surely try to port it to Windows in the future, but currently I am busy with extending this functionality to Digitone


Great tip, thanks! Confirmed firmware versions are 1.51B and 1.51C - I added it to the starting post.


Looks good, will check it out. As the project structure on the Analog Rytm seems similar to the A4, any chance you’ll create one for the AR in the future?

Nice work - I can’t use it as I don’t have a Mac, but hopefully when you have time Windows will be handy for sure for a lot of people (and Linux even more so for me).

Good to see this sort of thing appear though - bravo.

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Sure thing. I just don’t have a Rytm at the moment, otherwise it would be the second device to support - it would be much easier to port [FUNC] SaveProj to Rytm than to Digitone.


I am a Linux guy myself. Actually when I decided to improve my process of moving patterns, I first started tinkering in Linux. But because of the way my Linux machine is set up (and latencies in QEMU USB implementation) I quickly realized, that for it to be actually useful, I better do it on Mac.

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Installed it yesterday and had a little time to try it out. It will certainly be useful and a time saver for me.

A version for the Rytm which helps with sample management would be amazing.

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