FromSoftware Games Thread

i pre orderd steam and psx, i can relate. I play both with ps4 controllers.

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Got Elden Ring pre-ordered. Couple more days to go.

What starting class yall going to start with?


As it’s my first FS, thinking I’ll play it safe and go with vagabond. The temptation to throw myself into the deep end with wretch is brutal.

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Yeah its looking like either Samurai, Vagabond, or astrologer will be the more forgiving classes. But kinda curious on how a stealthy character might work out with the new open world format. I usually like high DEX characters in SouldBorne game tho.


That’s a good point. I wonder if stealth will take some of the edge off from constant fighting…hmmm…

I used stealth like a mfer in botw.

I’ve been sleeping on this one. When I looked up the Elden Ring release date I freaked out! 3 days away!

Between the new Horizon, Elden Ring, and Gran Turismo 7 it’s going to be an expensive time to be a gamer :slight_smile:

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Wretch for sure. I’ve always taken the no level classes in souls games as they give me a reason to slowly and carefully etch the muscle memory and timing of combat into my brain. I just treat everything until level 8-ish as tutorial.


Ditto. I’m usually a dex/katana build on my first play through of *souls. That there’s a samurai starting class makes me hopeful this will be an equally satisfying experience in ER.

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That controller looks like it belongs to the same school of design as the native Logic Pro synths


I think I’ll go for hybrid magic/fighting class, usually a safe an easy choice…
Or someone who can carry a big shield to hide behind.


Uuuuugh this needs a trigger warning.


I can’t decide between dex/int or dex/faith?

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Int for me all day. My faith build in DS2 was god awful. Just played it a little yesterday and I have never been a huge faith build guy in these games.

It’s all really a guess right now, but I like to have powerful ranged attacks against bosses so I can mix in swordplay and get the hell out of there when I need to reset.

Going to start as Prisoner most likely or maybe Vagabond.


I was seriously considering prisoner just for that… mask? Helmet? Easily the weirdest looking thing I’ve seen in a game all year, and From’s like, “What’s the least weird thing we’ve got to put on the Prisoner’s head?”


Yeah, besides the look, what I love is high dex builds fire off spells quickly. So I can weaken a guy from range and then get up close and chop him up. Just the play style that seems to work for me most of the time. I beat DS3 with multiple characters so Im going to fire that up and see what I liked most, but in DS2 I was all in on the DexCaster and I believe thats the build that I beat DS1 with as well.

Just checked DS3 and my last character was 40/40 Dex strength. I used the Dragonslayer great axe. I just ran around most of the game and one shotted 80% of the enemies.


I’m getting such deja vu reading people console FS newbs: FS regulars are using the exact phrases people use to encourage newbs to the Octatrack.

“the difficulty is overhyped”, “if you can do x you can do souls games”, “yes it takes more than other games to get into, but once you do, its easy sailing”, “its so worth it”


Review embargo is falling in roughly two hours :sunglasses:


Im effin exhausted from all this hype. Too much for these older bones.

Ahh just giv it a try, its like christmas​:joy: And since Cyberpunk my expectations are pretty down to earth even in hype :joy:

When you thought things couldn’t get any worse…