FM+ (Let's talk about it)

Hmm, yeah…I don’t need another machine. If I really needed an FM sound i could just open FM8 and trigger it with my OT, resample it. I’ll just keep pluggin away at these Monomachine FM synths until I figure it out. I know there will be a reward if I keep up the work. I think your math comment is something I was thinking about. Wish Elektron made a FM calculator. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah just do that. I wasn’t thinking about software. I learned a lot about FM using a patcher (Audulus 3) but @Ess uses Max and of course his Fors project just came out with a M4L instrument that is FM based.

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I would say FM+ is maybe not the best way to learn FM, it’s quite unconventional in many ways. From the envelopes to the implementation its all pretty non-standard. Not that it’s a bad thing, but it is a bit obscure and opaque in some areas.

On that note, I’m pretty sure FM+ is linear FM as using feedback detunes the pitch, and also sounds pretty dull compared to feedback in a phase modulation implementation - which is what Yamaha used, and Digitone, my own synths etc… Personally I love PM, it has so many advantages over Linear FM that I wouldn’t think twice of favoring it.

The bizarre controls of the FM+ machines does lend itself to some happy accidents, and for understanding what exactly is going on I think you just need to go slowly and try and see how each parameter affects the sound by itself, and together with the others until there’s some sort of grip of what impacts what. Probably best to avoid any of the envelope parameters to start out though.

But the structure is similar to other FM-synths in that it has a modulator and a carrier, some of the modes several modulators IIRC. There are great diagrams and some explanations in the Monomachine manual that should help with figuring things out. Although, again I believe that the mappings of the parameters are a bit on the weirder side… :slight_smile:


Yeah totally. I have used Operator, and understand FM to an extent (the math not so much). It seems well laid out. I can watch a tutorial and understand how everything is working (it has the advantage of being on a computer screen). But even looking at the Diagrams in the MnM manual- the controls and the way they set it up it seems very esoteric. And from what you said, this could be purposely done…For those happy accidents, using p-locks and LFO’s. But, it seems like I’m driving someone else’s truck and it has 13 gears instead of 5 and it’s a double clutch… Lot’s of accidents.
Okay, yeah. I get it. I’ll embrace that part of it. I’m dabbling in phase distortion at the moment as well, cuz I luv the way the cz series sounds…Maybe I’ll study the FM synth in Bitwig too, see if anything in that one translates into the FM+.

This advice is worth a million. I’ve been down this road a few times, and I get sidetracked with all the other amazing engines on the MnM. I’m gonna stay away from the envelope parameters, see what happens. Thank you.

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That’s actually kind of surprising. Linear FM is like my second favorite after PM but since it is a digital implementation I would think it is actually more of a hassle to code.

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It’s not esoteric. The three FM+ machines are equivalent to 3-op or 4-op algorithms on other synths. The only complications are that:

  • the block diagrams of the three machines in the manual are not very clear, and
  • there are only 8 data entry knobs to cover all the functions, so some knobs have to control, for example, both volume and feedback.

You can simplify things by:

  • learning one machine only (probably FM+STAT),
  • starting with the carrier only,
  • introducing one modulator at a time as you learn.

Totally…Wrong wording. Please replace esoteric with not very clear. Now I see the reason (per manual), trying to cram more functions with less knobs. Got it.

Thats exacly what I was just doing. Thank you. turned down both modulators to zero Hz, and as you said “tending towards a sine wave”. Then adjusting each parameter…I think I am starting to get it. With your help. Great way to go about it. I’m also watching videos about FM…Hoping it will all click. Thanx again.


esoteric- Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.

I think esoteric fits also.


@Lem’s soundpack was a good one to learn MM FM. Lots of tricks to produce eg kicks or percussions.


Are you telling me you haven’t yet downloaded Elektron’s free Monomachine soundpacks?


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Oh my god… I was just rereading the block diagrams in the manual and noticed that I’ve been thinking 1FRQ was the carrier this whole time, no wonder I could never wrap my head around these machines!


awww I thought it was a sample pack :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have an MK1…And it’s almost full. Need to back it up first before I try it.

Right? Exactly where I was before yesterday.