Feed my OT: best IPad apps

Nord Beat(free) https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nord-beat-2/id542657071?mt=8
or maybe Modstep?

Kind of OT related.

Often in my workflow I sample from my iPhone mp3 library.

My question — is anyone aware of an app that would allow easy access to my iTunes library so I could grab a section of the audio and loop it.

I use Samplr on iPad but find the Audioshare routines to import audio a pain.


Just got an ipad, finally. Laplace or whatever it is called is quite cool. Physical modelling synth.

What other apps have come out since this thread started and sort of died out? :slight_smile:

There’s another thread here that I posted a couple of great new granular apps in yesterday: iPad Music Apps?

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Don’t you have latency as you use OT vs Ableton ?

moog model D app is free for a limited time ! cheers !!!