What are your prefered IPad apps to feed your OT ?
My top 5:
What are your prefered IPad apps to feed your OT ?
My top 5:
all great, haven’t seen yellofier, will have to pick that one up
I don’t see samplr in your list, that one is nice even standalone…but also cool to get an external sample to feed into things
I just got an OT so haven’t fed it the tons of iPad apps I already have
Didń´t know Samplr. You’re right, very good app to feed samplers
Some of my favorites, in addition to what you listed (which are great IMO):
iMini, iSem, iMS-20 - for analog sounds
WaveMapper/WaveGenerator - wavetable synths (like Nave, but from PPG creator)
triqtraq, nodebeat, figure, BeatEvolve, tenori-on, arpeggiator pro - mini grooveboxes/pattern gens, arpreggiators -> food for OT
orphion - cool way of playing chords in a key
one app I’m enjoying that could be interesting into the OT is Virtual ANS…not for beats mind you…I’m still trying to get the hang of the OT first though…just got it late last week
there are just so many great iPad apps that will be interesting to sample
I have all those except triqtraq…after I’m comfortable with the OT, I’m sure I will start to feed lots of things from different apps…I buy pretty much every half way decent looking music app there is on the iPad
Grain Science
Nice options for textures, there.
I have all those except triqtraq…after I’m comfortable with the OT, I’m sure I will start to feed lots of things from different apps…I buy pretty much every half way decent looking music app there is on the iPad :)[/quote]
Ya, I hear you…some of these are the price of a burger! Lots of great choices on iOS.
I like to feed my OT with basic material (sounds, notes, percussions, noises, drones, textures) much than with music loops.
Musyc is interesting too for that and beautiful (my 2 years old daughter like it too).
I’m really starting to get into Jasuto. It’s like having a modular synth on your iPad but with with UX that makes sense in a multi-touch world. Cool features such as automation of node motion. I’m using this to generate patterns which I then sample on-the-fly with Octatrack.
Nave and Wavegenerator (and Animoog…) support polyphonic aftertouch which works well with CME Xkey through camera kit.
I got my XKey at the merch booth at the Thomas Dolby concert in Denver last month of all places. He was signing them as well :^)
A bit unrelated, but here is a XKey on a laptop running Absynth which is Octatrack food. Note Octatrack is running on battery (I wrote on article on this here).
I’ve focused primarily on live-sampling my viola playing, but I plan to feed my OT some iPad food too. Aside from the apps already mentioned, I’ll probably feed it audio from the following:
Poly - generative sequencer with emphasis on polyrhythms. Free with a couple of IAP options (MIDI, audio import/export). A bit of a challenge to find in internet searches, so here’s the URL: http://james-milton.com/poly
Xyntheszr (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/xynthesizr/id720810459?mt=8). Synth/sequencer with easy to use generative functions. Free with IAP options, but I haven’t felt the need to get the IAPs.
Robotic Drums - VA drum synth with probability sequencer. A joy to use. The dev is very friendly and responsive - he promises to add MIDI functionality soon. http://discchord.com/blog/2013/11/14/robotic-drums.html
Great app. It has the auto-slice (and assign) functionality that I with the Octatrack would have. Effects tweaking can be a bit fiddly though. Still, it has a very nice automatic pattern generator.
On a related vein (sampling app with sequencer), Werkbench might be worth a look, although it seems happiest with much shorter samplers (2 sec. max).
gotta love the title, the OT loves to be fed
I’ve been using Audulus for modular…it’s nice. I’ve had Jasuto on my watch list for a while but I’m not a big fan of devs that have a million IAPs (though I’m sure I will pick it up eventually anyway).
How do you like the XKey? I’ve been looking for something small like that to just plug-in and get to it.
I don’t claim to be a modular expert, but it’s much easier to connect two modules in Audulus than Jasuto. I saw that Jasuto was very recently updated, but I don’t notice any significant improvements in the UI that would make it superior to Audulus.
I really like the XKey. The jack for the USB on the keyboard is recessed so you will be less likely to snap it off than on Korg Nano’s. The keyboard is a little clacky, and you don’t feel the push through the aftertouch as much as on a big keyboard, but you get used to it. the little lip on the edge is great as you can put it on a laptop or table and play it without it sliding all around.
You can do both with Jasuto. I have no past experience with earlier versions of Jasuto as I started using it a few days ago with 1.5. I’ve not tried Audulus bit will give it a look. Connecting modules in Jasuto is a a snap. There is an auto mode which works on proximity which is super fast. Or you just click the nodes you want to connect in “Edit” and click wire - done. I find myself combing the two modes.
I just did a little test with the Accelerometer node https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GV802QANqno&feature=c4-overview&list=UUm36lYPbh4W464V_6XPu-ow.
Mark, thanks for the reminder on how to connect modules. I’ll give Jasuto another shot at some point in the future.
For Audulus owners curious about Jasuto, all I can say is you can give it a shot if you have the disposable income. Maybe you will like the UI better than I do.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with Audulus IMO though, the developer is great too
With the new update (1.5) Jasuto is banging. I like that interface way more than Audulus.
Other favorite synth apps include:
iSEM, Animoog, Nave, and DXi
Borderlands could be genius if you did not have to use iTunes to import new samples (at least you did last time I took a look at this app). That is sooo lame and uninspiring.