Feature Requests for all Elektron Machines

It’s a simple one but I’d like slide on all the Digi boxes.


A crossfader on everything :slight_smile:

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Cenks legacy signature


An OS that doesn’t require a degree to operate.

LFO phase offset

Can we get an option to have the delay times fade into each other like the Chronoblob module instead of having pitch artifacts when changing delay times during play?

You can use Elektron boxes without needing to tweak any of the more complex features in the sequencer, at least (but the complexity adds a lot of value.)

I understand how some of the functionality can get complicated, but what were you thinking here?

Sequencer play modes in reverse and ping pong. Like DB-01.


For hybrid machines like Rytm: a way to filter between sounds that use samples vs only internal engines in the sound manager.

I really would like to have a clear overview so I can manage my sounds/delete samples more safely.

This would be nice

Saving trigs as sounds

Sounds created via trig locks can’t be saved as a sound atm.

Maybe long-pressing Trig+Rec could bring up the Sound Manager to save the trig as a sound (saves all sound params, discards the trig settings) ?


yea id love that too.

Hello there,

As the Elektron Sequencer features are shared by most machines, and per Trig+YES jurisprudence (this function, although requested for the DT, having been adapted to most machines), I say we group there transversal feature requests regarding the sequencer only.~

Ha yes, the famous duplicate. Well.


  • Track Play modes:

    This feature would add another parameter to the track setup screen.

    • NORMAL: From left to right
    • REVERSE: From right to left
    • PING-PONG: From left to right then back
    • RANDOM: Play one of the entered steps (if the track length is 16 and you have programmed 10 steps, you have 6/16 chances of playing nothing)
  • Move Play head:

    This feature, when enabled, would make you control the play head. Maybe Shift + Trig + YES idk ?

    • When Play is active, touching a step would reset the playhead to this step.
    • Unfortunately I have no solution as to which iteration of the sequencer the playhead should play (A:B trig conditions). I guess the current one would already be good.

That’s all for me. :grinning:


I wish the Digi boxes had the OT style retrig page so I could tweak that shizz live.



Machine Locks for all concerned Elektrons. (Thinking of Syntakt, Analog Rytm…)

It is a Model Cycle feature. Different from Soundlocks, it allows to plock different machines on a tracks, with the ability to tweak parameters, add lfos, use control all…


Pretty sure this is not doable for any other Elektron products than the Models, here is the reason why:

I think the Models have a very unique system, which is why they can Sample Lock/Machine Lock.

OTOH … how much sense does that make, really ? As @Octagonist says:

It is possible to make Soundlocks with different machines, and all associated parameters. Why wouldn’t it be possible to plock Machines without all other parameters?

Sorry if it doesn’t make sense for you. Soundlocks are not practical for tweaking. Machine Locks seems much more interesting to me.

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I second this and couldn’t agree more.

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