Feature Requests for all Elektron Machines

yea id love that too.

Hello there,

As the Elektron Sequencer features are shared by most machines, and per Trig+YES jurisprudence (this function, although requested for the DT, having been adapted to most machines), I say we group there transversal feature requests regarding the sequencer only.~

Ha yes, the famous duplicate. Well.


  • Track Play modes:

    This feature would add another parameter to the track setup screen.

    • NORMAL: From left to right
    • REVERSE: From right to left
    • PING-PONG: From left to right then back
    • RANDOM: Play one of the entered steps (if the track length is 16 and you have programmed 10 steps, you have 6/16 chances of playing nothing)
  • Move Play head:

    This feature, when enabled, would make you control the play head. Maybe Shift + Trig + YES idk ?

    • When Play is active, touching a step would reset the playhead to this step.
    • Unfortunately I have no solution as to which iteration of the sequencer the playhead should play (A:B trig conditions). I guess the current one would already be good.

That’s all for me. :grinning:


I wish the Digi boxes had the OT style retrig page so I could tweak that shizz live.



Machine Locks for all concerned Elektrons. (Thinking of Syntakt, Analog Rytm…)

It is a Model Cycle feature. Different from Soundlocks, it allows to plock different machines on a tracks, with the ability to tweak parameters, add lfos, use control all…


Pretty sure this is not doable for any other Elektron products than the Models, here is the reason why:

I think the Models have a very unique system, which is why they can Sample Lock/Machine Lock.

OTOH … how much sense does that make, really ? As @Octagonist says:

It is possible to make Soundlocks with different machines, and all associated parameters. Why wouldn’t it be possible to plock Machines without all other parameters?

Sorry if it doesn’t make sense for you. Soundlocks are not practical for tweaking. Machine Locks seems much more interesting to me.

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I second this and couldn’t agree more.

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I always imagine how hard being an engineer is. You spend hundreds if not 1000s of hours thinking, designing and programming. You finish the project and send it out. Then you go on the ol’ product forum to see how everyone is liking it, imaging all the praise your tireless efforts will gather. Instead you see hundreds of post in several different request threads wanting more, and others wondering when the updated version will come. I wonder if they ever feel like Russell Crowe in the Gladiator? “Are you not entertained!”.


Which represents hundreds hours of thinking too ! :content:


True but they must have many plans that they couldn’t implement and to some extent seek feedback to ascertain what the masses would appreciate the most.


Certainly true. It’s just a thought I have when I see the feature request threads.

Digital parity for Digi devices, meaning all get chorus, portamento, compressor etc.

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Because of the quote from Ess Q and A it seems to imply the system is unique to the Models. But time will tell :slight_smile:


In at least one of the :3lektron: devices, there is a preference for “Kit reload on pattern change” … seems like it’s on the analog models at least. So then I guess you’d need to have a duplicate/copy of your pattern and switch to it.


REQUEST: something like C6 that wears for all boxes. ive tried exporting SYSEX from MM and it just fucks up with LibSys. missing parts of a dump. I use and old Laptop with C6 and its flawless. this Laptop wont be around for too much longer…she OLD.



This one should be easy, and much appreciated.

In Repitch machine on Digitakt, can we instead of empty square, actually see for how much the sample has been repitched?

It would help a lot to determine the key of the sample when working with melodic samples.


An idea for an alternative mode for parameter locks:

Currently the Elektron devices are only capable of “rigid locks”, e.g. if you parameter lock the filter-cutoff frequency for a certain step, the cutoff point for this step is completely fixed and won’t change at all, when modulating the cutoff frequency for this track.

The Erica Synths Bassline DB-01 has a different approach: I you parameter lock the filter frequency on a certain step, you have something you might call a “fluid lock” or “interval lock”, i.e. the cutoff-value for this step will always keep the set interval to the base-value. If you modulate the filter frequency, the locked value will also change to preserve this interval.

I really, really wish Elektron would implement this as a per track option!


That would be amazing :clap: