Factory Reset Questions A4/AK

Hi All, I have deleted all the factory preset sounds and wish to restore them. Reading the manual it sounds like I can create a blank project and perform a factory reset on this and the factory sounds will return and populate the +drive and be available across all projects, but all other projects will be unaffected.
I have no sounds stored in banks A and B. My projects are backed up but not the +drive - should I back this up as well?

When performing a factory reset on the Analog Four it will overwrite and re-initialize the active project (including
all pattern, kit, sound pool and global data). The +Drive project slot 1 will be overwritten and re-initialized. Sound
bank A and B will be overwritten with the factory Sounds. Factory pre-set patterns, kits, Sounds and settings will
be re-initialized.
If you wish to keep the active project, remember to save it to a +Drive project slot higher than 1 before you perform
a factory reset. To perform a factory reset, press [TRIG] key 3.

Feck it just backed up my stuff and reset on the presets project and worked like a charm. Probably being extra paranoid about losing stuff!

Hello there,

I bought a second hand Analog Four a few days ago. As it had some sounds I didn’t like that the previous owner used, I committed the mistake of formating it, thinking that it was like a “factory reset”. But I lost all sounds. Do you guys know how can I restore the original sounds? Is there any original preset file?

By the way, I’m new to elektron gear. Still figuring out how it works, but I love the sound of the A4.


You mean you did an Empty Reset?
Do a Factory Reset.


is that another manual? i guess i’ll look for it, i was reading the one that comes with the synth

I just found the extended manual… I will try the factory reset, I hope I can get the sounds back. Thanks!

You don’t have to worry about the factory presets, they will always be restored.


The issue might be knowing how to load in sounds into tracks , dealing with sound pool etc.

, if it’s your 1st elektron device it might look empty but it probably isn’t. Go through the manual , watch a few YouTube vids , use the search function on here , ask questions and someone will help.


I realized how to do that, but as I was browsing sounds I found some that had names that looked suspicious -im from a spanish speaking country, so of course they were in spanish slang hehe-. That’s why I made the format. Do you recommend any particular youtuber that uploads A4 vids? :smiley:

Thanks Hans_Olo, nice to know.

Loopop Chanel is clear, logical and concise

Does a factory reset of an Analog 4 only reset the +Drive, factory sounds and Projects to factory settings - while leaving the OS installed alone? Haven’t been able to locate the answer to this question yet.


It resets the factory sounds, settings and demo in the default project, bank A (and B?). It leaves everything else there such as OS, projects and stuff not in first (two) banks as is. If you want a fresh install, I found I needed to do a reformat drive, to clear projects and samples.

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Thanks. I’m a bit new at the A4 - if I look at your comments, will a Reset restore factory patterns to the banks they were in as well as factory sounds? It sort of sounds like not, but maybe I’m misinterpreting.

Yes, patterns, sounds and kits for the demos.

Thanks again. My main concern was doing a Reset to update sounds to factory, but didn’t want to wipe out the OS to a version other than what is on there now as it is latest that can work with old Overbridge version. Appreciate the help.

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That’s understandable. I did a fresh reset to leaving the factory (minus OS update) state and it was a challenge clearing everything out, other than a basic demo reset, so its hard to lose the demo stuff. Though I did do a complete backup first, you know just in case :wink: … which can take quite a while over C6 btw.

I got my brand new A4M2 (My first Elektron machine),after some wiggling,i accidently did the wipe of +Drive sound library. Is there any way to get the factory/default Soundbanks back? Im so lost.
Best Wishes.

Do a factory reset… You must have done a bit more than some wiggling, don’t format your plus drive again, tweak filters an things… :smile:

I would like to reset my analog keys, in the original condition as when buying a new one. I have no idea how to get the sounds back like that. Factory reset doesn’t do it. The sample sounds also sound reverberant and somehow wrong. I just tweaked the controls without any expertise and now don’t know what to do next.

Can someone help me please?

I’m a little older, please be indulgent.