Facebook even worse?


Probably a new algo trying to figure out how to keep me engaged and to get me to spend more time on their website. I figure…


That sounds about right.

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But it backfired and you are just spending more time on elektronauts now!


For buying selling used synth stuff, especially eurorack, the ‘aussie wigglers’ FB group is pure gold. Beats gumtree, ebay etc any day.

For everything else, FB has been useless since about 2012.


100% re the Aussie Wigglers page, 80% of my studio were finds from that group.

And there is a “Vintage Synth Repair” group that has some quality advice for easy or even advanced fixes for gear.


Play FB at it’s own game, take it to it’s logical conclusion…
just keep it for marketplace and forget the rest.


I’ve been seeing the exact same thing. And it annoys the hell out of me.

Yup lol, that’s exactly what happens :joy:

I’ve heard from several places that social media is predicted to ”die” this year, i’m not sure i believe it. But i think facebook with it’s massive user base and high valuation is going to realize the risk and volatility real soon

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I dreamt that when I start my bookshop business, I’d get a business account and destroy my personal account for good. Apparently that’s not possible. To have a professional account you need to have some kind of personal account too.

I despise facebook and all the other social medias, but insta and fb are really good for my business. Free advertising space that can reach thousands of followers daily. Although I’ve noticed that the algorithms do something weird there too. Some posts do not show to our followers.

I didn’t have Instagram before I bought the bookshop. For me it seems a lot healthier. The algorithms there seem to really understand where I’m coming from and recommend me stuff that I’d actually be interested in. Facebook just throws shit at the wall and sees what sticks. Nowadays I spend most of my time spent on fb hiding and blocking annoying and offensive accounts that are ”suggested for me”. Not much fun in there.

Still, a massive waste of time, all of them.


…arguing with others in suckerbugs’ meta county?..red flag…

there are parts on this planet, where all the internet is nothing but facebook and whatsapp, made possible by nobody but meta itself…imagine that…half of africa, the whole philipines, where even politcal “leaders” just “invest” in masses of fake social media accounts to swing their “elections”…

it’s a desaster…while yes, all the good advantages of the once great idea of the internet, let there be liberty access to the flow of information, still can be found here and there, in all this tmi hurricane, but all in all, despite all those little helpful pockets, it’s only getting darker by the minute…

there is a constant war going on…a battle for ur thoughts, opinions and perspectives…
never forget that…
alll sorts of 2nd hand market scams, just coming for ur little money, or all these annoying low hangin’ fruit adds, are the smallest problem of them all…

only good news here, now they’re “planning to start” to LABEL all kinds of ai and bot content…
at least in the “golden billion” first world countries…
another thing we better keep in mind…8 billion humans are walking this earth right now…
6 of them are allready “connected”…only 1 of them is “us”…
while each 'n everyone of them, just wants a “better life” and is seeking for advantages…
vast majority remain “good people”…but it’s getting harder and harder to actually spot and feel them…


Yup, same


Adding Fluff Busting Purity to get rid of adverts and recommendations makes it a lot less intrusive to use for almost everything.

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What is the name of the company? Metastases? I turned my back on FB two and a half years ago.
So far, not a single incident where I could say I missed anything. I haven’t experienced anyone asking me if I’m online for about 4 years. That says it all. And my phone and email still works just fine. There is a German saying about this: “Willste was gelten, mach Dich selten”
translates to something like: “If you want to be yourself, make yourself rare”


I went back after a long break because I wanted gossip and news from the local villagegroup and also a swedish 60s-70s hifi group. I got no friends and a made up name. Focused on positive info/infotainment. But hell folks are arguing about stupid shit everywhere. It can be very good on subjects where the deepest knowledge is by old people. Such as old electronics, 78rpm shellac, traditional woodcrafts etc.


I’ve never had a BaceFook account, but it is tricky now as all of the local motorcycle groups run everything on it. So I did consider creating a “shell” account & trying to give out as little personal data as possible. But as of now I’m just perservering with being a “Billy no mates”. :grinning:

I also think that the Marketplace is great for picking up bargains, and I was speaking to someone a bit ago who has a side hustle literally buying items on the Marketplace and selling them for more on eBay.

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Facebook can be useful if you have something to sell (to the generation that still uses FB that is).

If you don’t have anything to sell there, well… it’s going to suggest a lot of things to buy, all the time.

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Facebook used to be incredibly useful for events, I would miss so much interesting concerts, stand-ups, festivals etc. without it. But nowadays it’s all “sponsored” and “recommended” posts, not posted by my FB friends or groups/pages that I follow. Even google/apple calendar integration regularly breaks. If it wasn’t for FBCleaner plugin I would get rid of it years ago, but even with it it’s far from perfect, yet still somewhat useful. I mostly use it for Messenger though, because most of my friends and acquaintance are on there. We’re “that” generation :slight_smile:

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Somehow facebook is where everybody in the contemporary classical music scene resides, and I made great contacts and friends through it. Unfortunately there’s no awesome Elektronauts for that music scene … only facebook …

But everytime I post something on a fb music-related group, I get among the positives also harassing comments, and most of the time when I click on that person I cann see that it’s the first time this person ever posted in the group. Oh and recently the admin of “Elektron Tutorials, Tips & Tricks” blocked me - I wouldn’t have noticed if at one point I wondered where that group has gone. Perhaps it was because my posts were by far the most popular …

FB a weird place, but at least not as bad as reddit.


The algorithm has definitely changed recently

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Ableton decided to restrict their comment section due to too high asshole ratio yesterday. I happened to read some comments under a post about some trans producer. It was shockingly retarded and mean stuff.