Expanding semi-modulars - plans, experiences

Sound advice - sure would like to get a bigger case - but space is also an issue. Ornament & Crime looks like a very powerful function generator in small space, though AFAIR, it can only run one or two simultaneously, (maybe I’m mistaken), + menu diving in modules, wiring them up to a comp, is a route I don’t really want to go down - I have plenty of modular with screen time already with my Nord G2! Re Doepfer - do you have / had the A-110-4?

I would opt for immediacy with the utilities. Especially with modulation sources, quantizers and sequencers.


Have not tried the a-110-4, but their oscillators are usually solid. Only downsize to the ones I’ve used is the lack of in-built offset regarding tune (i.e octave switch). This can easily be solved either by transposing on the Elektron device or by mixing cv with an offset.

Also: maybe consider Pittsburgh Lifeforms Primary Oscillator (I think that is what it is called, the one from the microvolt). It does wavefolding reasonably well and a lot of other things as well. Can get weird and noisy too. And it fits in the style of the sv1, but adds some west-coast flavour.

For an oscillator with wavefolding, I’m interested in the Instruo Ts-l. OTOH, stadalone wavefolding module maybe more flexible than an osc where the only source is the osc waves.

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There is very good argument that two seperate osc plus wavefolder module is a better route than a complex oscillator.


I am also thinking about getting a few oscs: Dixie2+,MCO, STO … OR a more expensive voice like DPO, Piston Honda, Atlantis,… .

ATM I am favouring the first option.

I have a Make Noise 0-coast semi modular and use my Elektrons to sequence and sample it and add fx processing. It is quite wacky compared to a traditional semi modular synth with west coast things going on. Unfortunately, I cannot mount it to a Eurorack case. I did add a Korg SQ-1 for sequencing if I don’t feel like pulling out my Elektron gear. That tiny sequencer works well with CV and MIDI outs to the 0-coast. Most likely I will build a new modular setup in the future as soon as I finish reading and digesting Patch & Tweak book and experimenting more with VCV Rack.

If I hadn’t been absolutely enamoured with the DPO I probably would’ve gone 2 OSC + wavefolder.

Mangrove should also be in consideration.


I guess just adding a wavefolder for the 2 SV-1 oscs even without an extra osc would add a lot of spice! OTOH thru zero appears to offer a lot of possibilities, including for dual / mirrored / stereo modulation of the SV-1s 2 oscs - and the A-110-4 is not expensive comparatively - there’s a couple of great demos about, but not many.

I think it was @Snipecatcher who had some nice words for the Doepfer A-110-4. Not sure but let’s wait a bit :wink:

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au contraire…


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I’ve had some very nice VCO modules (Verbos, Cwejman, Mannequins, etc) and still have never thought of selling my Doepfer A110-4. Crazy versatile and a great FM source or destination. Opinions surely vary, but I think it’s an absolute steal


16 CCs to CVs is way more than I need, but pretty rad if you’ve got a big system I guess.

The manual is up on the Flame website

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I recently started digging into miRack for a similar reason - to prototype a possible future modular in physical form.

It helps that the digital oscillators that I’m most interested in are the Mutable Instruments ones and they’re already in VCV Rack and miRack.

That is a looooot of small modules crammed together… if you like tweaking stuff live / patching frequently I might reconsider that aspect of your plan.


Very valid point… and yes, (re) patching frequently / tweaking is what I tend to do, but no intention of taking it live for shows

Hey! So how was it with the Flame u16cc? It looks pretty awesome. Convert a couple of Digitakt’s midi channels to CVs for my modular sounds very nice…

I went the other way. Eurorack first. Now picking up some patchable synths. Got a MiniBrute 2S and the 6U cabinet to connect. Also picked up a Moog DFAM. The days of everything must go in the rack are long gone. Drum machines, patchable synths, Eurorack, beatboxes. All work great together. Not to mention a modular’s best friend, the sampler.


I’ve not had a Eurorack case but having a few semi-Modulars (which pack a lot of coherence / functionality into a small space) is what interests me most. My plan is to add Strega and Subharmonicon to my two 0-Coasts, with each one switching roles as and when required between chords, bass, percussion, drones, noise etc, with any patching creating and effecting all of them in tandem when I’m turning various knobs. Any more than that and it would probably be beyond my ability to tweak them all sufficiently when recording a track. Plus my sound card only has four inputs so that’s the limit I’m giving myself. I can’t wait!