Expanding semi-modulars - plans, experiences

Seems like quite a lot of members have recently got eurorack compatible semi modulars, and at the same time some members with big modular setups and loads of experience frequent these boards. I’d be interested to hear of how people have, or plan, to expand their semi - modulars. I got an SV-1 at the beginning of the year (I love it) and am finally about to add some modules - I only have 48 hp to play with but that’s more than enough for my finances for now.

My plan is to expand the SV-1 to 3 osc, also with bi-timbral possibilities, and loads of FM and waveshaping possibilities, and to be able to shape/ distort / fold / filter external source. No plans or desire to try and do everything in eurorack, and I’m not interested in self-generating patch adventures. OT as main sequencer - also planning on getting a midi to CV converter (non-euro) to use more modulation and sequencing from the OT (btw have had pleasing results sequencing pitch of OSC 2 with custom LFO on OT used as a arp via the single CC receive on the SV-1 - mock bi-timbral I guess you could call this method - two melodies but just one envelope)

Here’s what I plan to get with first four modules from bottom row left to right first:

and here on modulargrid

I’d be particularly interested to hear of experiences with the the Doepfer Thru Zero osc, including as a modulation source, but any feedback would be welcome. Cheers

Some ideas here:

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Here too is a thread along the same lines


My contribution: get a case bigger than you planned for expansion (I myself ignored that advice but luckily ended up getting a deal on a bigger case and boy am I glad I did) and have a very clear plan on what you want to do (and get a good utility module).

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get a Korg SQ1. Seriously. Use it as a modulation source for filters, single osc pitch when using FM, USB MIDI to CV , quick note triggering etc


Cool, there’s some interesting posts in there, but mostly it’s a thread about which semi-mod to get, DFAM or? I’m already set with a semi-modular I’m v pleased with.

Interesting, but what can the SQ1 deliver that OT midi tracks with Midi to CV cannot?

Hands-on tweaking with a single purpose tool.

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That SQ-1 defs is hands-on. I was eyeing the CV.OCD - 4 gates out and many more CV outputs - would provide multiple LFO’s from OT as mod sources…

Nothing wrong with having both :slight_smile:

I would get the Mutant brain instead (or the polyend poly 2), eventually interfacing in the case makes more sense IMHO. Extra power brick, clutter, cabling. Easy to move OT + modular. Extra Dongles or boxes makes it more stationary.

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+1 on the mutant brain if you can spare 8hp, which it looks like you probably could :slight_smile:

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The Mutant Brain - nice and compact - I speed read the manual but it looks like it’s designed above all to sequence drums - modular drums is not a path I can afford to go down right now even if I wanted. 4 notes / trigger gates is max what I need, then say 4 CCs to CV.

Mutant brain is solid but at 12 trigs vs 4 general purpose CV, it is better for drums - agreed.

I’ve just ordered https://www.juno.co.uk/products/flame-u16mcc-midi-cc-to-cv-module/757292-01/ which has 16 CC-CVs. There’s not a whole lot of info about them out there beyond a couple of marketing pages and a video.

Should arrive today. I’ll let you know how it goes.

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Agreed on Mutant Brain: so many triggers.

I went with Erica Synth MIDI-CV cause gliiiiiiiiiiiiide.

That Flame looks good. I’m sure glad they added a Thru

Not sure why everyone thinks its a drum purposed module. The mutant brain has 4 cv outs and 12 gates that can all be customized to do whatever you want. How does this come off as only suitable for drums?
Sorry, not trying to sell it, there are other really good cv/midi tools. I just think its too good for the size and price.

The 12 are gate/trigger centric only. No pitch, no cc etc.

You can do gates sending a pulse from OT outs

I don’t own an OT.

You can set a sequence, then do note mutes or note skips instantly.
You can stop the sequencer and set each button to voltage then play the buttons to quickly send that voltage.
Can quickly set voltage range from 1v to 8v per knob so sequences can span just 1 octave or can span up to 5 octaves by the press of a button.
can quickly adjust note quantizing so can go from major to minor notes in a sequence. Can quickly turn note slides on or off on the fly.
Can randomise sequences
Can switch between 16 note sequence or 2x 8 note sequences.
Turn slides on and use it as a 16 value LFO etc etc

I have an Oberkorn Mk3, I use the SQ1 more.


Sorry, i don’t mean to talk the module down - it is great and I own one and use it constantly, but I quickly found that I wished it had a few more CV outs.

CV outs can be used to modulate other devices, for pitch, etc and are more versatile for non-drum based things. Trigs are great too and can be used to fire off not just drums, but envelopes, etc, to be fair, but you’re not going to be able to use a trig as an LFO, for example.

To clarify, the 12 trigs can be customised to be either trigs or gates, but you can’t customise the trigs to be volt/oct or CV out.

Fair enough, agree that the unit would have benefited from being able to assign gates as cv, or just a few more cvs in general.
Hope the flame works well!

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How about the alm busy circuits mmmidi? Affordable and small and offers cv and gate for two voices.

My general advice # 1: Get a bigger case.

My general advice # 2: Get more utilities. You will eventuallt tire of things that affect timbre or produce sounds, but you will always find use for a good random source or a flexible function generator. And for those, more space is nice, because you want the flexible (more hp) options where as many things are modulateable as possible:

My general advice # 3: Expensive is not always better. Doepfer makes a lot of great stuff. Ladik as well.


The best thing I did for my semimodulars was get an A4: adding sequencing, LFOs, envelopes, FX, filters, etc etc…