Erica Synths LXR-02 Desktop Digital Drum Synthesizer

this is a great track and so was that last one you posted.

that lxr sound design is really nice

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Has anyone ever experienced the fx not effecting an initial patch? If i load a premade kit the fx work but not when i load an init kit.

Also when an fx does work is it normal to hear clipping from each value? For example when im in drv and i move the dry/wet i hear a click for each value. Worried i have a faulty unit.

Doesn’t seem right to me. Have you sent the video to Erica Synths support ?

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Oh snap I follow you on insta. You never disappoint and this one was no exception. In one one minute video I saw several things I haven’t tried yet. Thanks!

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I have been playing around with the LXR-02 for few weeks now. I really like the sound and how fast and intuitive results are flowing out of this little fun box… (just adding a few demos of my current sounds for reference here)

take one
take two
take three
take four

Hey folks, here is a rainy Wednesday afternoon squelchy/acid techno jam with LXR-02 + Digitakt:


Is this box a capable enough sequencer on its own? Could you use it as a 7 track step sequencer for external gear w/o internal sounds? If so, does it also send the cc modulation or just note data for the tracks?

(Sorry for the rapid fire questions. Manual was t very clear on using it as a standalone sequencer or midi tracks)

I’ve not tried to sequence other gear with it, the Digitakt would be a much better option. The LXR-02 can only send one note per track (Digitakt has 4 per track), so no chords on LXR-20 and also there is no note length. These two reasons alone are limiting. It might be possible to send CC on LXR02, but you can only record 2 CC’s automation per track compared to Digitakt’s 8 CC’s per track. Hope that helps.

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Good to know. TY. I would be mostly sequencing external percussion when not using internal engines. A hardware drum machine is still the bit of kit I can’t do without. This is one of the few that has caught my attention in years, and I have been looking to stir up my workflow now. It needs to be a synth and not a sampler, so the digitakt is out. I’ve also read somewhere online people are wondering if its still worth buying in 2022.

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I think the internet says that about all hardware gear :slight_smile:


The sequencer is not bad on the LXR-02, but seems to be tailored to sequencing itself more than other external gear.
As a stand alone synth drum machine I can recommend it :+1: - I’ve had no issues syncing it with other gear too.

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It’s the people in 2032 that I’m concerned about. Don’t want to use instruments that random internet strangers think aren’t cool anymore. :wink:


LXR-02 only in this one. Just 3 patterns, but I’ve used 5 of LFO’s on just one track, cos why not ?!? :smiley: [ :headphones: on ]


In 2032, I hope this lot of Elektron power handles I’m just sitting on start selling at MD prices. They’re gonna be pretty rare then.


Great demo. I also love assigning multiple LFOs to one sound. One of the best features of this box.


Just released an electro track using the LXR for all drum parts. It’s the original DIY kit not the 02, but since they share more or less the same DNA and I couldn’t find a thread on the OG I’m posting it here. Hope that’s OK with y’all.


Sounds good, cool track :+1:
I listened a lot to the original LXR (that SoundCloud Compilation) while waiting for my order and loved many of the tracks there so sure :grinning:

joined the cult of the lxr-02


More tECHnO (headphone recommended :headphones: ):