Enjoy Electronics The Godfather module

Very interesting gear, I’d like to try this one (gear show, events) but I’ve never seen it out there.

According to the website, this is the company’s official building:

Enjoy Electronics Headquarter

Amazing! I am moved by it

A walk-through and demo by Oora here. I was intrigued by the Godfather when it was first introduced but thought I could kinda do it with the Octatrack already. I have to admit it sounds very nice however. For example, the double pulse delay and delay modes are really cool. In general I’d say the delay is the most interesting thing here. I could certainly see myself just playing with a very simple 16-step pattern through the delay for a couple of hours. Around 1k is a lot of money for an fx module but I now see it does have a lot to offer. Maybe one day if I see a unit go second-hand for slightly less…


Agree that 1k isn’t exactly cheap.
To me, however, it was totally worth the investment! The combination of fx, utilities and especially the form factor is just a perfect match for me as it transforms my moog sound studio into a nicely integrated system.


Absolutely! Feels like The Godfather with its four channels is pretty much made for something like the Analog Four (which obviously has fx already), the Perfourmer or indeed the Moog Sound Studio. I can’t remember when’s the last time I’ve been intrigued by a multi-fx unit. My finger is not hovering over the buy button quite yet but I’ll keep an eye on The Godfather for sure.

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1k isn’t that much considering that it processes 4 audio sources.


are there any clips out showing the variation in range of the sounds it produces?

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I guess Oora’s (@fredweb) video might be the closest to what you’re searching for

Also, the videos from the different music exhibition where enjoy electronics show the Godfather often have a moment where they bypass all fx and bring them back in. This is where you really hear the power.

this looks nice but CV range from -8V to +8V is confusing as hell from eurorack perspective

Those of you who are familiar with The Godfather - either own one or have watched the videos -, how would you go about approximating the double pulse delay? I tried stacking two or three delays on the Octatrack but it’s not the same and also got muddy pretty quickly.

The offset feature on the Godfather also sounded really nice and musical. All I get with the OTO BIM offset is weird stuff until it becomes a straight up ping-pong effect.

So yeah, very intrigued by the delay on this thing. Reverb, compressor and saturation seem pretty standard and I’d say I could replicate those ok-ish on the Octatrack.

The Loopop video for the REmindER delay unit shows the Dual Pulse Delay in action @ about the 5 minute mark:

I would imagine that the Godfathers version of DPD is similar.


love Oora, and seen that one more than once but didn’t really hear much variation as I would have thought for an multi fx unit of this stature

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Might be a little late to answer but here we go anyway:
The double pulse delay (DPD) acts as two independent delay lines, each with their own time setting and with only one repetition of the original signal (I think). The DPD comes after the regular Delay in the signal chain, though, so the two DPD repetitions come on top of the regular delay.
Also, the DPD doesn´t do any stereo ping ponging by itself. Stereo separation is achieved by the Offset parameter which, however, is a little different to a regular ping pong delay: The Offset parameter pans both the dry and wet signal hard left to hard right. So you don´t get a regular dry in the centre, wet ping pong effect.

In short:
To replicate the Godfather Double Pulse Delay I´d try the following FX chain:

  1. regular delay with time and decay as you wish
  2. two parallel delays with individual time settings and minimum decay (for one repetition only)
  3. if you wish, add a auto pan effect to bounce the whole signal from left to right. I guess this one will be hard to replicate in style of the Godfather though.



I’ve wanted the REmindER since it came out, looks like a solid piece of kit which adds a lot of functionality for a desktop delay unit. The interface is really nice.

I got to play with the Godfather at Machina Bristronica, was really cool. Love the screen.

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I just updated the Firmware (Version GF 1.26) on my Godfather and it took me three hours and three Notebook with Windows 10 and the latest version of Google Chrom. I It was not possible to select the device.

Eventually it worked using a third Notebook and installing the Godgather from a Eurorack case into its own case.

All Firmware-Updates in the past worked without any issues.

Just updated as well, but had zero issue (Win11/Edge). Maybe your driver got updated and you need to use Zadig again?

This is the changelog

  • Fixed a bug that could cause clicks on channels 3 and 4 in some settings.
  • It’s possible to set the LFOs in “Sync” or “No Sync” by pressing the Shift button and rotating the LFO’s encoder while holding it down. The LFO1 can also be modulated by LFO2.
  • It’s possible to reset the phase of the LFOs, by holding down the RATE/DEST encoder of the LFO you want to reset and pressing the OFF button.
  • Some midi parameters have been changed
  • Various improvements and bug fixes.

That is a good point. I only vaguely remeber installing Zadig. Where would I finde any information on the Enjoy-Website on this subject?


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How’s the new firmware running?
I suppose there has not been any improvements concerning MIDI clocking, has there?
The lack of a solid MIDI clock functionally (both MIDI in and out) is what annoys me.

Hi! Need a little help about the pricing…

It sais normally it’s 1149 EUR, but “now” it’s only 976 EUR. But since when, until when?
If it was like this, say, 3 months before, that it’s not much of an incentive to buy now.

The question is, should I buy now (I can manage but I have to borrow money etc), or is it safe to wait as it is a permanent price reduction (so it’s not a reduction at all). archive.org does not help.

Do any of you have any info on past purchase price?
Thank you!!