Elk-Herd 3.0

yes is just realised that. Thank you !

elk-herd version 3.0.1 just released - now supports Digitakt OS 1.20

Sorry it took almost two weeksā€¦ I canā€™t believe how busy Iā€™ve been while being required to stay home all the time! (Amongst other things, I finished and released an album in those two weeks!)



Awesome , thank you so much. Two weeks is quick enough dude :slight_smile:


Yes, no complain about the two weeks. Iā€™m listening to the first song of your album right now and love it! I like the craziness of it, with a very likable vibe and composition.

Edit: I just realized itā€™s a live performance, great, weā€™ll done!


Hi Mzero,

Will you implement the samples purge function in the AR Elk-herd version ?
Or will it be only available with digitakt?

At some point Iā€™ll have to engineer the whole project structure for the ARā€¦ and the Digitoneā€¦ and the Model:Samplesā€¦ andā€¦ The problem is that while the +Drive samples area is exactly the same between the machines, the project structures are totally different, and need custom code for each. Alas, at the moment I have no time line for it.


Good to know it is in your mindset and future project :slight_smile:

Hi @mzero, Iā€™ve been experiencing the same issue as @DEEPMOSES with Digitakt OS 1.20. The only thing Iā€™ve attempted is to load a DT project, compact samples in my project pool (I deleted some unused samples so there were empty slots in between some samples), and send the project back to my DT. When I play my patterns, they seem to not have been updated with the sample slot positions.

EDIT: To be more precise, when I view my RAM pool, the empty slots in between samples seem to have persisted. I think the track slot assignments themselves have updated correctly, but the pool did not.

EDIT2: Iā€™ve tried an alternative where I fetch project, compact sample pool, and then on my DT initialize a project, then on elk-herd send the project back to my DT. My patterns and their track sample assignments load correctly, but my samples are not sent. So it seems that my initial issue is the result of my sample pool not being sent to my DT.

EDIT3: I was able to fix the issue by sending the project back to my DT twice. On the first send, my DT only showed ā€œReceiving Patternā€ and ā€œReceiving Soundā€, and the sample pool was not updated correctly. On the second send, my DT showed ā€œReceiving Patternā€, but slower than the first time, ā€œReceiving Soundā€, and then ā€œReceiving Settingsā€, and this time the sample pool updated correctly. Not sure if this is a bug on the DT or elk-herdā€™s side, or perhaps it was just too much data to send reliably the first time?

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I can confirm. Only when sending the project twice or more Elk Herd will update soundpool. The end state is strange though, pattern switch is active at the end of the transfer (blinking pattern nr).

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Pattern switch is on at the end of the second send for me too, seems like a general quirk then.

@mzero any chance the rename feature could be expanded to add find and replace support for batch renaming?

Absolutely amazing work creating this for the community. I think you should reach out to electron and also patent the fucker immediately :wink:

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This is so great! Just wanted to check something in case Iā€™ve missed, is there a ā€œcollect and save allā€ feature? Something to allow to save the project sysex + samples in the project to a folder?

It would be great if the ā€œGet Sample Fileā€ functionality on the Samples page could be added to the projects page, that way I could click the samples from the project and download them so that my projects and samples could all be in 1 place for easier backup (itā€™s really hard to figure out which samples im actually using across all my projects! :()


Yes, this would awesome!

The main use case of this is backup for me. Iā€™d love to be able to just press a button to backup a project and all associated samples, that way I could clear my digitakt completely of samples and then just reload the backed up stuff! I have 800mb of samples on DT but across 16 projects im probs only using about 100MB :stuck_out_tongue: Would be great to easily delete that 700mB without fear


I had been struggling the last 48 hours to reload in projects saved off the DT (and newly organized projects as well) but had been experiencing the same issue with jumbled samples in the patterns. Sending the project twice worked! I donā€™t know why either, but everything is functioning and Iā€™ve managed to get everything where it needed to go!


Edit: I am running MasOS Catalina version 10.15.5 on a MacBook Pro, and OS 1.20A for the DT. No other applications were running while sending projects to the DT. DT plugged into the laptop with no hub!


Is it all good to use elkherd with the new firmware 1.20A?
Thanks :slight_smile: I <3 Elk-Herd like, best way to operate especially when every tune that gets made turns into 8/minimixes. Amazed

Dear Mark,
Elk Herd is a fantastic tool!!!

Is there a way to increase the contrast of the font? (TRK numbers -> A1 to H16)
And maybe to number the 8 tracks above?!

Screenshot 2020-09-24 07.18.46|690x246

Hi Mark,

Just came here to say this, youā€™re legend.

Apologies for asking what is for sure already answered elswhere (cant find it though)

i can remove unused from RAM butā€¦

I would like to find and remove UNUSED samples from +DRIVE - possible?

thank you mark gods work!