Elk-Herd 3.0

Communication Failed

The instrument did not respond after trying a few times. If you have directories with many samples (>100) try adding “?slow” to the end of the URL in the address bar and reloading this app. This will make the application wait longer for your instrument to respond.
i got this message when i try to send a sample?
edit: with adding “?slow” i got:

Transfer failed:

Instrument returned error.

Is there any update planned to fit the OS 1.32 on the DN?

i succeed to send samples after many try but don’t know why :sweat_smile:

I similarly had this problem the yesterday. The +drive was visible and I could see all my samples but when I went to the projects tab and hit “fetch project” it just would freeze up and never respond. Eventually I just closed the window. I’ve got the most updated version of the DT OS. Thanks @mzero for creating this awesome tool I use it all the time!!!

yeah thanks by the way :wink:

Hey guys! First of all, thank you very much @mzero for creating Elk Herd.
I’m experiencing some trouble moving patterns from project to project but it might be because I don’t know how to use Elk Herd well.

I’m trying to put different patterns from different projects in one project that will be the one to use in a live set.

What I do is go to Project A in the DT, then Fetch in Elk Herd.
Then I open Project B (the “live set” one) in DT, and send the patterns from Project A fetched previously.
The thing is that I can paste patterns in Project B but just in Bank A.
When I try to, let’s say, open Project C in DT, then fetch and try to paste it in Bank B of Project B, the Bank A gets deleted.

Question is: does anybody know how to properly paste patterns in Bank B or someone is experiencing the same trouble as me? Maybe I’m using Elk Herd wrong.

Thanks in advance

Edit: Worked after inserting /beta to the link.

Hi there, I am having trouble fetching Digitakt projects. Loading up samples works just fine. But as soon as I hit „fetch project“, there is no progress whatsoever

I have set DT project settings to „Output to Midi+USB“. I have also disconnected all midi cables from DT and shut down Overbridge and Transfer. DT is connected via USB to my Mac, elk herd is running in Chrome. I have also disconnected my audio interface and shut down Ableton to avoid errors.

My DT is on OS 1.30

Any ideas? Thanks a lot!

Try to go into System ==> USB Config menu and change from Overbridge info Midi or Midi + Audio.
It works for me without issues.

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@Azzarole hey can you help me out? I’m having the exact same problem. Can you please tell me what “inserting/ beta to the link” means?

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There’s the main version and there’s a beta version

Search for beta in the thread and you’ll see the link

Or just go to the main like and add /beta
To the end of the url …. I think.

Ok finally got this to work thanks everybody for all your help!


Seems we all should pay more beers to mzero. He is doing great job for all of us. Unbelievable Elektron cannot buy this development from him and offer in transfer app.


That should be great :+1:

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Turning the man i to an alcoholic is not the best reward though.



is there a limit of the size of the files for the transfer to model:sample?

There are still problems with using elk-herd on Linux due to known Chromium browser bugs. I’m still trying to work out a work around.

Is there any update on that? I’m using Chrome (rather than Chromium) on linux but I cannot get the DT to receive the project when I send it from elk-herd.

@mzero doest it work with the latest firmware update(1.30) on the digitakt?
It can recognize my samples when I’m on the sample page but I would like to move/copy patterns(with samples and parameter data) between projects and when i press ‘Fetch Project’ (on the project page) it doesn’t load anything. It says ‘fetching projet from digitakt’ but it seems like the website froze.

Are you using the beta version ?

Add /beta to the url

it only says ‘version 3.0.1.’
when i try adding ‘/beta’ to the url it just reloads the same 3.0.1. version…

on the first page of the website i also click on the [reprobe] ‘- found Digitakt 1.30’ but it doesn’t seem to do anything

i keep restarting everything and closed other elektron apps …or do i need to send the pattern on the digitakt itself as well?

Thanks for your response!