Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #5 - Less is more edition

Yeah, that one, I only used a little bit of it, I tuned it down more than -17 cents in but in semitones, it’s the cents that’s the issue because it takes it out of tune.
Or at least that’s the case with the small section I lifted from it.

Edit: in fact I’ve listened to it again with fresh ears and I’ve taken it out of tune further to -25

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I open hostilities, here is my beat :


There’s actually a story behind this track…
I’ve been playing at a garage gig last Saturday, and pretty miserably failed all my transitions.
Most of all, I had taken the maximum guarantees by using OT Song Mode for the first time in live (hence the failure) and just couldn’t get some guts in the sound.
At the end of the night, a bloody DnB DJ just kicked my ego by pointing all my defects, one by one.
I just couldn’t do anything but taking it all, knowing he was damn right from A to Z.

This is a track for all people that accept vulnerability and expose themselves to the humbling danger of someone else’s conscient glaze in order to become better.

So this track is dedicated to Lee.

Check the vocal version on my SC.
(Edit: updated the track with my final mix)


Great flip!

Dang, @drrumble and @LyingDalai, sounding killer!

So far all I’ve done is find the chops I wanted, but I took up all but 2 sec of my PO, so I need to sample it again without the unnecessary pieces.


Yes, there’s a lot to chop!
I can’t believe how good this Obsession soundtrack is, but beware, I have found it not that easy to mix.
Actually, I might work on this again tonight, especially on this aspect.

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I’ve got it all chopped… I might start selling Elektronaut Beat Battle Soundpacks, seize the opportunity…
£30 - DM me guys.

:wave: :smile:


Offering a free one complete with ads? :stuck_out_tongue:


:joy: do you happen to sell extra sample memory as well?


Going from 2 secs to the MPC One, you won’t know you’re born. :partying_face:

Hey, with respect that’s 40 seconds. 40 seconds of sample time to arguably the most powerful standalone device on the market.


I don’t know the PO, misread that as 2 secs sampling time…

People have destroyed buildings with way less than 40 seconds… I know!

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Yeah, I was saying I wasn’t frugal with my sample time, thus why I only have 2 seconds left at the moment.

33 thoughts.

Funnily DT max recording time is 33s.
(8m28s for OT :pl:)

PO33 stories

I had 3 PO 33, first one faulty, returned, 2nd with broken screen from day one, it was my birthday (3/3 :content:), fully usable, but pretty frustrating, so I couldn’t resist when I saw a cheap one in a 2nd hand shop. Now I can use one as backup, and add parts! Still not confident at all though…

First song made with the broken screen, me playing guitar, family singing…


Dude, sick! Love it. The added reverb really blended everything quite nicely. :facepunch:t2:

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I mean, 33 seconds per sample for samples recorded directly rather than imported. 64 mb per project so more like 11 minutes total. But who’s counting?

Actually what winds up being the bigger limit for me is sample slots since I like to try to put as many beats as possible on one project and tend not to use particularly long samples.

But nah, the PO33 is great even if I’m afraid to use the fx because I’ve accidently written them into a pattern a few times


Don’t be scared of the FX! They’re arguably the most fun part of the device. As long as write mode isn’t turned on you’re fine. And if you do accidentally write them in, just hold down FX and then pad 16 for the duration of your pattern(s) and the FX will be wiped from the patterns. :grin:


Me, having an OT, recording 8m28s max, importing up to 3h30m files! :content:
I wouldn’t import such files for a contest! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

PO33 fx

Can’t help abusing them…



French Disco? Count me in. At a minimum, I’ll learn more about my Digitakt.

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Please can you hide non battle related content (audio/videos), so things wil not be confusing when someone want to listen the beats subbmited.