Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #1

I would tend towards @DimensionsTomorrow 's proposition of a separate thread for votes.

I waited for everybody to upload their track so i could make a single post with my Top 3, the honorable mentions and all the comments i can make.
That way i can make better parallels about how the same sample was used etc.

So, if all the tracks are in the same thread, i guess it will be easier for future readers to navigate between votes/comments and the tracks.


Voice sample: Diane Ackerman reads “We Are Listening”

Samples from

Drums from

  • DJ Shadow - You Can’t Go Home Again
  • DJ Shadow - Right Thing

All sampled and performed on the OT.


It’s now Monday morning here in Amsterdam, and I guess the deadline has passed for most of us (except for the ones lucky enough to be living in Honolulu). A lot of awesome beats have been posted here (I think about 20), and I look forward to listening to all of them!

As suggested by @DimensionsTomorrow and some others, I’ll start a separate thread for the voting and feedback. I’ll put all of the submissions in the opening post, but, as suggested by @LyingDalai it would also be cool to make a playlist out of all of our tracks! If everyone agrees with this idea we should figure out a way to collect all tracks onto a single platform… What do you guys think?

I’ll share a link to the voting thread in a bit, and I suggest we’ll continue there :wink:


@woops @garfield your soundcloud links can’t be shared, so I can’t post your tracks in another thread… can you share the link?

I see you have it - great work in organising this! Great effort!


@Boxymusic No yours is fine!

@LyingDalai could you temporarily disable the new thread while we wait for @woops and @garfield? Missing their songs would give them an disadvantage…

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I tried y’all. Completed the task, but ran into issues at the end with recording and posting my iPhone video (too large?). I’ll catch y’all on the next one! :sunglasses:


You could copy the link directly to their forum entries as a stopgap?

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Thanks to @LyingDalai everything works now! You guys are welcome to listen, vote and post feedback in this thread:

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@Sleepyhead Thanks for doing all this, and apologies for creating extra work for you at the end!


No problem at all, its better now because of it!

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dude this thread is a fucking treasure trove of music, don’t take any of this music away, this is eternal stuff.


i can’tpick a fav, i want an album with all this realeased. i pay big money, like 5 dollars or something, this one reminds me of a scene of a movie comiong to a conclusion or climax to the death of our beloved main protagonist, while silently agreeing with antagonist in ways.