Elektronauts Hip HopBattle #29 The Doors

Hello All!
For battle #29 we are gonna sample the music of The Doors

Whether your musical mood be merry or sombre, and if you like the funky sounds of the organ, an exquisite guitar and a warm bass, then you’re in luck.

You can sample any Doors track and use it as you will, you can also use dialogue from Oliver Stones The Doors movie if you wish.

          General Rules

*Sample music from any doors track
(Or Tracks)

*Drums & percussion are ok from any source

*No outside bass, a lot of Doors tracks have a decent low end and I think it would be good to keep that feel in the beats.
So lift your bass from a Doors track.
Nothing to stop you finding a single tone which you can filter and play across the keys if you wish.

*you can use short vocals from a hip hop acapella if you want, for a chorus or scratches for example.
No full verses.

*no synths

*send your beat to me by Sunday March 10th to be included in the playlist

Here’s a link to all the Doors albums
(I hope)


Hoping to see the old and some new faces take part and look forward to hearing your beats as always :slightly_smiling_face:

Don’t be a stranger to this battle.
People are strange when you’re a stranger

              Let’s go!


oh buddy, cant say no to a doors challenge, enjoying the slightly stricter boundaries on this one too. im game to give it a go


I think I’m gonna try and jump in on this one. I love me some Vox Continental!


Glad you like it bro!
Looking forward to your flip

Yesss that’s the idea!
Glad you’re down.

I see you lurking :grin:
I hope you get something in for this.


Great idea! I am definitely going to try to make something for this one again.


Yo! Will try to make something on this one too :wink:


@Jedilicious glad you’re on board again.
I have a feeling this will make for a great playlist

@drrumble welcome back! I really hope you do get something together


If you wanna get a bit of practise in before you take part @aarb420 has recently posted an absolute James Brown classic with stems to chop!


I will try to find time to participate.


That’s great. Please do, the playlist will be all the better for it.

I’ve also made a slight modification to the rules.
I neglected to state Doors track or tracks.

You can use more than one if you need to


started two different beats, one was DOA and the other evolved into something i liked. im excited to see the directions people take!

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@Yabba Thank you for setting up another exciting challenge and for the shoutout! Also, congrats on the last round man :beers: PHAT beat for the West coast challenge, and congrats to @everyone who was able to join for creating another awesome tape to consume and be inspired from! So many tasty techniques :muscle:


nice! Love the doors, have to join this time

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Been a while but happy to jump in on this. I can’t remember the submission process - do I DM a Dropbox link to a wav or…?

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Look forward to your beat :slightly_smiling_face:
Just message me a link I can easily download for when I create the soundcloud playlist, google share, mediafire. whichever you like.
Wav or MP3 is fine, or any other format that soundcloud recognises.

It would be great if you could Include your name in the title of your beat so I can easily make a note of who made what when I download them all


Much appreciated - sent :white_check_mark:

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Pffff… seriously struggling with this one. Three tries were all crap.

But onwards we go!

Edit: got something really weird going. Might just gonna go for that this time.


My beat took a really unsuspected route as well. weird combo but I think it works…


Never joined any of these but it’s The Doors so might give it a go. :ok_hand:

(Also: Jay Z - Takeover for inspiration. Kanye might be an idiot these days, but the way he used Five To One was pretty damn cool.)


Hope everyone is getting along ok with their beat.
I’ve yet to make a start as I’ve got a bit of flu, would it be ok with you guys if I extend the deadline to the following Sunday the 10th?
Im off work and really not up to it at the minute haha

If you’ve already submitted me your beat and want to adjust it further and resend nearer the time that’s ok too.
Or if you guys wanna stick to the original deadline I’ll be happy to do the playlist but I won’t be taking part.

Hopefully an extended deadline suits you guys