Elektron Syntone Speculations (sans Trademark)

Presumably we can agree that henceforth, lazy typists may lovingly refer to the Syntakt as the ST?
AND we are now immediately owed a Syntone (SN) trademark to speculate on for the next 6 months or so…



Take it to 5000 minimum.


I expect analog wavetable


returning when I’m emotionally recovered…


6 months? Noooo 6 years baby


Lol. Let’s aim for a realistic 1000 posts by Monday?


Just off to KFC for a bit.


Seems only fitting to kick off this thread by talking about a different speculation

What about instead of Syntone, a Syntracks
8 synth tracks, analog or digital machines available on each.
Call it a Syntakt big brother, but instead of Cycles and AR vibes, it is closer to a octatrack and A4


How long did it take to get Syntakt when there was already a trademark on the name?

Not to mention, the Syntakt was a collection of engines already developed across AR and MC.

You are out of your mind

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I think a better question is, how long was it between DT/DN releases/announcements

Edit: 8 months ish

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So my 6 years suggestion ain’t far off then!:joy:

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A logical analogy, in my opinion.
The Syntakt is a tribute to the Machinedrum and combines the original character with new ideas.
The color red is also another allusion to it, since this color also appears in the Machinedrum in the logo and in the lettering.
The Syntone could then become an analogy to the Monomachine, with different synthesis forms, other effects, arp and other stark possibilities, but with a focus on melodies, less on percussion.
And it will have both, digital and analog possibilities, to have a bit Analog Four in it, as we have a tiny Analog Rytm in the Syntakt.


the old formula of elektron gear was duo,drum & syntn, until model: line come to change the game, groove box mean drum
and synth(cycle) or sampler(sampler) united to just one box, and in the evolution of elektron duo. the sequencer,system,control,workflow convergence all directed to the one box product solution.

if any new box in the future use this new formula. that wouldn’t be something from mnm or dn. in fact syntakt not just new year md. many concept come from all past elektron machine.

if you understanding syntakt is a drum machine with some ability of melody. that would make sense hope a syntone in the future. if you understanding st is a groove box(synth+drum), so this one is a synth based. maybe next would be a sampler based. so a samtakt maybe make more sense.

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How did we go from this:

to this:

Surely there must be some steps between ‘I don’t like this’ and ‘this company sucks’…

Can we bring back the innocence, naivety and camaraderie of the OG speculation thread please?


Agree that would be nice, but it’s not likely. What you’re really asking for is mindfulness and self-awareness. And that’s just, ya know, like so much work.

Many people have become accustomed to being catered to to the extent that the very existence of something “not for me” is an affront.
How dare Ford Motors produce an electric Mustang? They’re sullying the heritage! Fossil fuel pony cars 4eva!!! (<-- a comically American example, it’s what came to mind) :laughing:

Sir or Madam, I regret to inform you that your preferences, are not considered in every decision that is made in this world or any other. :face_with_monocle:

The outraged :angry: minority either does not understand, or reflexively rejects, the reality that organizations that manage to stay in the business of selling products (e.g Elektron) typically put a ton of thought into whether the marketplace will show love to their next product. They also recognize they some decisions may cost them a few customers.

If one were to acknowledge that a product they don’t like was actually viable, that would mean that it’s not for them. :thinking:
This might lead to realizations such as: The existence of a product that appeals to others, but not me, suggests that what I want is not the most important thing in the universe!

This is hard for some to accept.
Denial is the first of the many stages of grief.
Anger follows denial.
So, instead of concluding:
It’s really great for everybody that some people got something they really wanted. A win for others means more happy people in the world, and that’s a win for me! :partying_face:
many people reach for:
Everyone who doesn’t agree with me is a stoopid doody-head, and I hope bad things happen to them. :poop:


Maybe a flagship device that takes a chunk of the syntakt and rolls it into an updated OT. Or maybe a new OT with a wavetable engine or something.

They could have been working on this stuff for years so it’s hard to know how soon they come, companies rarely work on one thing at a time in succession

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Popcorn complaint threads aside, I did feel a bit underwhelmed with the synth part of it. It clearly is primarily a drum computer and a tone synth secondarily. I wish it had an arp, the arp on the Digitone is amazing. Given their tone machines and lack of per-track polyphony, an arp arguably makes even more sense on the Syntakt than on the Digitone.

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I’d assume the SynTone will be mix of the Monomachine and 2 voices (x 2osc) of the Analog Four + FX in the body of a DigiTone.


We completely skipped over the Digistrike trademark from a year or two ago.


You mean the Octatone? Eight synth tracks & eight sampling tracks. Octatrack features and overbridge features with routing through usb from the other boxes. No song mode though, song mode is unwanted here. 64 steps, take it or leave it.