Elektron Syntone Speculations (sans Trademark)

Sounds like physical modeling!


I had imagined a Nord Drum sort of thing. Though I really cant even envision an Elektron styled version of this.

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All I want is a next gen Octatrack with better time stretching, more and better FX slots, good amount of internal memory (in the GBs) and of course: better sound quality… :wink:


This name, along with a slew of others at the time, were confirmed by Ess to be placeholder names in case they want to use them in the future. He said to expect none of them to be real projects.


A logical analogy, in my opinion.
The Syntakt is a tribute to the Machinedrum and combines the original character with new ideas.
The color red is also another allusion to it, since this color also appears in the Machinedrum in the logo and in the lettering.
The Syntone could then become an analogy to the Monomachine, with different synthesis forms, other effects, arp and other stark possibilities, but with a focus on melodies, less on percussion.
And it will have both, digital and analog possibilities, to have a bit Analog Four in it, as we have a tiny Analog Rytm in the Syntakt.

Honestly, genius. It does beg the question what Syntone would bring to the table that Digitone does not. Is adding a few analog voices enough? What features/machines are missing from Digitone that Monomachine have? I’ve owned neither.


KFC button would go CRAZY :poultry_leg:


i just hope i will be able to straight up trade my syntakt for a syntone on the same day it is announced.

the syntakt is great and i think they did an excellent job of listening to elektronauts and packing a bunhc of incredible features in a tiny digi box, but i would murder for a mnm/a4/any kind of new synth engine in a new elektron box

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Having at times been tempted to replace my A4 with a DN for more polyphony and digital sound palette but not wanting to part with the A4 sound engine completely, I would immediately jump on a Syntone even if it was just 2 A4 voices/tracks bolted on to a DN, with the Syntakt analog effects block added as well. Hell, I might even get the keys version if Elektron decide to make one.


Syntone seems fitting with Syntakt, but I don’t think they should include sampling. I think a remake of Octatrack would be good for that. Syntone would be awesome with 4 analog synth tracks and 8 digital synth tracks or do half of that with polyphony like 4 digital tracks and 2 analog with 8 voices polyphony. Maybe an in depth wave table machine. That would be a power house combo!

Hope these rumours are true, I’ve already bought and sold the Syntakt three different times but just couldn’t gel with it, fingers crossed the Syntone is the answer to all of my needs. I’m hoping for a stripped-back experience - no synthesis, no samples, no knobs or buttons other than the dedicated touch screen for song mode.


Anyone here familiar with the Roland JDXA?

4 analog mono voices and 4 digital VA voices with 64 note poly across them.

That, in Elektron ‘Syn’ format would be fantastic.
It baffles me why the digital/VA poly is always deemed acceptable at 8 though??
Surely you could have 4-note x4 on the digi/VA side??

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I don’t remember posting this comment. Weird

i pad pro

So the FUNC button will be a bluish purple, right?

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Look in the mirror and say:

Octatrack Octatrack Octatrack

He will appear! :skull_and_crossbones:

I’m holding out for Octatone “master of the sampling method” mkIII with song mode.


That’s the Octatakt silly, Octatone will be 8-op FM but you have to use neighbour tracks to get anything other than a sine wave.

Wait, in just a few days of existence, you’ve managed to buy and return the Syntakt 3 times?

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Life’s too short for fourth chances. Also I’ve existed for AT LEAST a week.

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