Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations [closed]

Reminds me of Keith Noon’s “Needle in the Groove”…good read!

Incredible :joy:

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You assign multiple tracks to the same midi channel. Four OT midi tracks could cover all 16 Iridium voices, could be fun to try. Also all the Lfo’s available!!!

1285 posts! Can someone pls tell me if we have anything solid on this one?

nope, it’s still pure conjecture :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Do I know what the Syntakt is? No.
Will I automatically buy a Syntakt? Yes.


this guy gets it :point_up_2: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I heard that it is basically done and ready for market. Elektron is just stripping away Songmode and then it will be ready to sell.



Actually I decided to wait for the Retrokits rk008…


We have some serious solid amount of jokes in this thread …

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I do wish they’d make a true hybrid synth and sampler. I have no idea what a Syntakt could be based on their current line-up.

So far the only thing we know for shure: Cats will probably like it …

see Cats


…only thing that’s solid beyond many of the more logical and solid reasonable guessing here is the fact that syntakt won’t sample…

too much undiscovered sonic terretory is still waiting behind too many lines of pure code and naked dsp power…
while no company would start some next competetor on their own actual productline…
since takt is still doing fine…and so is the ot…if u need sampling, there are ur further swedish options…

but i’m pretty confident that some of the fx blox/machines for the syntakt will cover one of the most beautiful sonic colours i’ve ever experienced…ot’s comb filter won’t be forgetten…

oops…that’s making sense instead of further top notch fun beyond…soooorrryyyyyyy…

but hey…“LFO JUICE” alone was worth the last 300 posts… :wink:


in other words… it’s definitely going to sample


I don’t think it’s at all clear or logical that a new device won’t sample even if we assume that they don’t want overlap. If it’s a digital drum synthesizer, I’d say it’s pretty logical to assume that it would at least be able to load short samples.

And there is plenty of space in the line or on the market more broadly for a new poly synth that can do interesting things with samples, especially if it’s paired with an Elektron sequencer.


…whatever u say goys and birls…and whatever makes this thread more spread… :wink:

but for the logics sake again…do u really wanna have the xtra mile of deep diving, once u gotto deal with sample storage logistics, if that would be implemented on top of all the options that are already laid out pretty uberobvios…?

that’s just the nature of the beast when sampling innit

Well what ever they release next, when ever that happens, im gonna buy it 2 yrs later, when they sort out all the bugs and include the second LFO


Ha, it does make you think if it’s part of the game plan for certain updates to include things planned all along. Fair enough for new things in the sequencer like trig probabilities that eventually make their way to all current boxes but the second filter and LFO are critical to how good the DT is (finally) right now.