Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations [closed]

Woops, you’re right… in my head I was writing Diddy not Diggy. Maybe my want for a Digi got the best of me. But ya, Diiddy. Like I said above the only thing we know is that is overbridge enabled.

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Don’t get me wrong, it’s just that everyone starts speculating based on a human error :smiley:
I have no idea what it is either, but at least, we speculate on the right word :crazy_face:
DiddyKong -> DigitoneKey Mk2?
I hope not, I would much prefer a mixer indeed, but that’s my humble contribution to this never ending topic :grin:


one day we’ll have to collectively accept the fact that it is an incredible new sampling beat machine built on the progress of the digitakt and model series improved workflows. I just want to say ‘Thank you Elektron’ in advance for this wonderful instrument and for the new bonus sequencer features we got that we didn’t even know was coming!

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Outside of the digitone, they haven’t made something that was genuinely praised.

Now, if they could do something that was in between the capabilities of the digitakt and digitone- that would seem the easiest approach to ne universally acclaimed


It’s tough to figure Elektron out because they don’t like products sharing features aside from the UI and sequencing. The Digi range doesn’t have anything analogue yet, the big boxes don’t have any FM or digital synthesis, though OT magic can involve synthesis. If the Overbridge mystery is correct, the new product should be Overbridge compatible. So I guess we can only safely eliminate another Model series entry.

Personally I would like an Analog Eight or an OB capable Hexadecatrack (16 audio track OT). Given Elektron don’t like cannibalizing sales I don’t think either are likely at all, but still fun to think about.


i would LOVE a box of the old mki analog / md mnm size and format, a synth like that style, wit some of those bonus features u usually get like note and p ties, song modes and all that. like a digital analog rytm mki, basically (and if it can sample yes please)


I wonder if the “diggykong” fake name has any significance. Like “diggy” as in digi of course, but “kong” as in “but bigger”, like it’s the King Kong of the digi series somehow. Maybe a large format box with a more digi-style workflow, likely (given the trademark) involving synthesis.


that would be amazing

Nano format confirmed.

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and didn’t know we needed!

My belief is that it’s a MD-like sound engine in a DT/DN format.

That would make most sense from a product perspective as they already have a solid digital platform in the DT/DN devices.


I’ll play…

Diddy typically means small

Kong could refer to Propellerheqds Kong though that seams too close to a DT to me.

So, MD in digi form factor.

But… diddy also means tits in Scotland. So possibly a big hairy pair of fake King Kong tits you can wear that produces sounds in some way.


must be drums


would never have guessed this thread would end up here :joy:


They say it’s a device to make Aquatic Ambience


I had this song on my mind today and here you post this!
Im sure you are on to something

You mean psychic powers?

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At least!
Or a grand synchronicity heralding the foretold new Digi sized box!


I’m very glad that Joel Haver has made it to Elektronauts…