Elektron Pattern Clips! Now with Arrangement Mode!

Thanks for the kind words! The graphics thing is simply a Max version issue. Once you update (if ever) to a newer version you’ll see the graphics.

I do plan to revisit this again when things calm down a little here at home. Too many projects to juggle ATM.

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Does the Cirklon have the same bank naming scheme? A1 - A16 etc?

It should essentially work with any device that has a sequencer which needs program changes early.

I could potentially add different naming schemes as an option in a future version to cover more instruments.

i literally just name the scenes in the cirklon to a1… to correspond with their elektron counter parts.

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This device doesn’t change the functionality of your Digitakt.

It won’t give your Digitakt direct jump. It won’t make your Digitakt change to a new pattern in the middle of a playing pattern.

Those videos show your follow actions flipping through clips within a beat or so. Is your pattern on the Digitakt 1 beat long? If not, it won’t work. You need to have your clip changes quantized to change at the same length of the playing pattern on the Digitakt. Your next clip will arm just before the pattern on the Digitakt finishes, giving it time to change to the next pattern right as the next clip starts playing.

Pattern clips simply sends a program change when you arm a new clip to play. You still have to time your clips to change near the end of a pattern.

Normally sending a program change right when your new Ableton clip starts playing isn’t fast enough to have the pattern change until it has played one more time. This device makes it so it sends when you arm the clip, rather than when it starts playing.

The first issue you’re seeing where you start and it misses the first clip is because the clip is never “armed” to play. The clip just starts playing because the transport is stopped. When you start from stopped you need to have the pattern set to whatever pattern you want to start on.

Try something more simple to start.

Use the default clip settings and patterns that are only 16 beats long on your Digitakt. Click on the next clip or scene just before your Digitakt pattern is going to loop around to the beginning again. If that works for you, then you can start trying to make more complex changes. Just be aware of your pattern length on your Digitakt and set your clips quantized to change accordingly.


I think I understand it now. Thanks for your help!

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Ok I think I got it working! I think my workflow was just too complex for my brain. I am using follow scene xl (m4l device to follow action but with scenes) and the pattern clips together and it is working well now after much user error :o

This device is great :slight_smile: . As a safety measure I am adding 1 extra step to each clip with the matching midi note for the pattern, which seems to be working but I don’t know if it is necessary.


Glad you got it working! The MIDI note isn’t necessary. It will just send the same note twice. The pattern name (A1…etc) in the clip sends the corresponding MIDI note for you (in Overbridge mode).

this is fantastic, thank you very much!
I get the same problem with the UI but it all works.

Only thing I wish it behaved like the direct change on my rytm, instant pattern jump rather than having to wait for the pattern to finish would be a game changer for me

still, great device thanks again

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You’re welcome and I’m happy it’s useful for you!

Definitely something Elektron would have to change.

Although some experimenting with stop, pattern change, then start in quick succession could be done.
Still it would be more of a “hack” than a solution. Hard to trust it to be reliable.

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it would be so good if they could make that happen, anything to make pattern change easier on rytm would be great, the button combo is awful

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Where can I buy you a cup of coffee☕? This is amazing! Looking forward to make tracks this way. It’s mostly in time sometimes the patterns are off (going to read your guidelines again guess I missed something).

Works with AF and AR mk1.

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I was thinking @Airyck is there anyway to make ableton scenes follow the device with max 4 live wizardry? It might be easier if the scenes followed the sequencer for timing etc…

Sure, that’s possible.

You would be limited to 128 scenes in a basic setup.

With some creativity there could be a way to have the user specify that they are on a different song. Then the 128 program changes could reference a new set of 128 scenes.

Not saying you need 128 scenes for a song. It’s that you’d want to be able to use the same pattern numbers, for a new song, in the same set for performance purposes.


I managed to get it to work by using bome midi translator, turning program messages into keystrokes then mapping them to the scenes… surprised myself I was able to figure it out :laughing:
it actually works really well because the scenes change exactly to the set master length of the Rytm or master device so don’t have the problem of scenes triggering at wrong time…

But I think a max 4 live app might even be better!
Man I think it actually works better this way, it’s like ableton is another device and when you select the pattern it starts ableton also…

As for the amount of scenes I’ve only set up 16 so far 128 would be heaps for producing tracks, not sure about full live sets that go for hours though

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I could potentially add this as a “mode”.
Though, I might make a separate device for this if I make one.
Definitely need to think it through and try some experiments first to check for roadblocks.

I’d want it to follow program changes so it works automatically.

Some major projects are happening around home, but many of them are finishing up. I hope to have time for Max projects again soon.


That would be so awesome! This would change the game :slight_smile:

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Just got my hands on this. This is an amazing device - a life saver! One thing I’ve noticed that I would love to have is ability to turn off the pre-delay for the pattern change. It works flawlessly when you play patterns sequentially, but in the “Direct Start” mode on Analog Rytm, it receives pattern change early and starts playing it right away. I think if it sent the signal on time instead of early it will fix the “Direct Start” mode problem, while messing up “Sequential” mode - hence probably would require a checkbox of sorts.

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I’m happy you’re finding it useful!

I’ll add a direct start mode to the list of add-on possibilities. Probably something like additional text in the name of the clip though.
This allows it to be use for both scenarios in the same set.

“Direct B11” for example, could make the program change be sent as soon as the clip starts playing. It’s possible to have the naming convention change the launch quantization of the clip as well. I don’t want to make too many commands to remember either though.

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Yes, adding that to the clip name would be amazing!

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For some reason on Octatrack it worked for a short while (like a few minutes) changing between A1 <-> A2, but after a while it for some reason started changing from A1 to I1 and A2 to I2. So now it’s using bank I instead of A. The clips are named correctly (A1, A2), and I’m not using Live’s pgm change commands, just Elektron Pattern Clips alone.

Is it possible to run two pattern clip instances in Overbridge mode and one in Program Change mode? Just wondering as I’m using DT + A4mk2 via Overbridge and OT just thru midi.