Elektron might be cooking something up for the Octatrack

Very interesting UI! But I think very progressive, too, as sitting is the new smoking so they designed for performing while standing.

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Awesome thanks! :beers::beers:

Black OT MKII. Would be very surprised if it was anything beyond that at all.

they have given us some insight into their thoughts though which might shed some light on the direction they are going. They’ve shown us that they are not purveyors of snobby development, as if they don’t share the mind set of those kind of users who put down the model series because it wasn’t as difficult to grasp as the octatrack. I think they are more down to earth than some of their users think and prefer inclusive accessibility over Bourgeois boutique accessibility. They also obviously like creating immensely powerful instruments, so imho I think those are the two elements they strive for, more accessible workflow while retaining powerful creative possibilities… I bet the new flagship if there is one will be much easier to use than the octatrack and much more powerful than the model samples


Btw I heard they planned an update for next Machinedrum anniversary! :loopy:
Probably more feasible than for OT, maxed out.
Tempo per pattern maybe?

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Made a quick video with a bit of description, though most people know how it is done.


It’s official. New Octatrack to be revealed at NAMM. Don’t @ me.

says who?

Hector appeared to me in a dream and confirmed it


can has Octratrack user be pleaz?

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Is NAMM on a tuesday?

It’s on january 21-24. Not on a tuesday. So new Octa is highly unlikely.

genuinely lol’d

It’s called a customization not an update.

I think the OP mentioned that « the owners of OT will be happy », not the new potentiotal customers.

Why should I be happy for a new model or colour?
I have one OT already and to make me happy doesn’t mean giving me opportunity to spend more bucks rather than a firmware update with obvious stuff fixed (bpm per pattern, Midi scenes, etc)

The best comment on this whole forum until now. :revolving_hearts:

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“OT owners will be happy” is a forum in-joke that all goes back to someone claiming

There is gonna be some very exciting news at naam just trust me wink i cant say what specifically but OT fans will be very pleased

which turned out to be the Model:Samples.


A 10 year tribute model, back to the prototype design?


I really like it! I thought about painting my MKI buttons but black knobs should be enough…

I’d be down!

Dieter Rams 4Lyfe!

I love speculation threads but i absolutely cannot stomach any more ‘cheeky’ photoshop jokes… they’ve never been funny and get more cringey with each product cycle.

Sorry to be a scrooge :joy:

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Trig+Yes, and the “mangle into oblivion then func+ptrn revert to saved state” from digitakt

and a looper machine that uses/controls as many record buffers as you want at the same time from one track, overdub, undo, redo, mute, reverse, etc.