Elektron at NAMM 2018

Yeah that thing is almost silly.
Why even use faders if they are gonna be so tiny?

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ive been largely impressed with maschine after a month or so. theres been great prices on mk2s. i’m usually an MPC guy but its honestly been a pleasure. learning the mk3 has been a bit of a headache though simply due to it being new so a lot of the information out is in the form of paid tutorials or the 1000 page manual. its pretty intuitive though, i’m sure theres a lot more depth in it yet. it puts me in a tough situation though cause it makes it harder to justify buying any of the new synths coming out when NI’s softsynths are all integrated with the pads of my setup now :sketchy:

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That is the number one thing I look for in hardware these days!

If at least the Play button on the Blofeld would trigger a note!

It’s a crash course in fingertip finesse

I use a Keystep and the Blofeld, not perfect, but I can lay in my bed and create patches. There should be more Blofeld-isch devices out there.

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I was just working on a track using ABL3 (which is excellent btw) and I had a thought. Cenk seems to be rocking the TB-03 lately along side Elektron gear and other boutique gear. It got me thinking whether Elektron would ever make a 303 clone with their sequencer…then I thought that might be what is coming (Digitone).
Although a monophonic synth won’t be on everybody’s wish list, I would love to see something like that but only if they didn’t stop at 303 emulation and instead had multiple filters and more Waveform options/Sample Slot. Maybe a TB303/Minituar/Bass Station/User Waves all in one.
Roland TB-03 sounds a little weak to me (though never heard one in person) and Avalon is a little too expensive so a “Digi” Version sub $700 might be sweet.
…maybe :slight_smile:


oh no, please not :zonked:

ok. I’ve overseen your suggestion with multiple waveforms and filters. :grinning:
But there’s enough 303s out there for my taste

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An analog 4 mk1 is capable of this and with mk2 out nearly in your desired price range 2ND hand :raised_hand:


Plus one of the volca series main attractiveness is price.

For 170€ you can get a way better mixer.

Elektron are not really famous for being a “me too” company and I think going for something the market is already overloaded with would be a foolish move. Especially because it’d probably end up in a similar or even higher price range than other options on the market.


hopefully they’ll be showing updated working digitakt firmware and the demo’s wont magically avoid any area … or be vague on any upcoming / possible / we’re looking into it areas.

i expect overbridge for digitakt will be demo’d too.
possible new firmware for rytm mk1,2 and analog 4 mk1,2 , minor update to octatrack.
a reminder the analog heat still exists.

if there is a new box , i guess it’ll be under a glass case with the lcd showing some info , just like DT was 1st shown.
based on the Dt experience , i’m unlikely to buy it , even with the early reviews… i haven’t seen a single ‘proper’ review indicate the potential issues in the firmware, they are only positive and not balanced with the actual realities of the device.
and to be fair , i have too many other boxes that arent being used much…

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You missed the grey electribe, I suppose?

Nope. It was a good start, for sure.

OK, but who are the ten people who liked your post? Bots?


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: The new Electribe is very good!

11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Roland TB-303 vs TT-303 vs TB-3 vs TB-03

This combination can deliver an almost unlimited amount of different sounds. I use a OT+Blofeld combo sometimes, it’s amazing. Hopefully elektron will create something like this, it would’ve the ultimate groovebox/synth.


I pair my blofeld with the DT too. Awesome combination.

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Is it an SU700?

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