Electronic/Sythesized Hip Hop/Rap Beat challenge

So is this still a challenge for synthesising a beat rather than mangling samples? Non Syntakt owner here.

Cool, I will try to make something on the Digitone.
Can I use the DT for the drum kit, with some drums samples, and all the melodic stuff with the DN?

Edit : I didn’t read the rules right, I will make drums on the DN and sample them on the DT :wink:

For clarity - mangle a sound you have synthesized to your hearts content. To me, that’s further synthesis.

I know you can in theory synthesize things from an existing sample… But just don’t :rofl:

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Not clear to me. Samples, or no samples ? Samplers or no Samplers ?

I guess samplers could be allowed as basic recorders / loopers without playback manipulation, no sequencing.

Well, Syntakt only for me !


seems like a fun challenge to try syntakt only!

there might be some confusion about methods cause of how differently people view the word “sample”

from what i can gather most everyone is saying: no chopping prerecorded music or acoustic instruments allowed

rules could be clarified but i think as long as the source is a drum machine, keyboard, or desktop synth module…using a sampler to arrange/resample is fine

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Ok so if almost everything is possible I think I’d prefer a Syntakt only challenge ! :content:
Have fun.


Cool idea! I’m in, but only by pretending, very hard, that my Syntakt is a sampler… Got something in progress now.


:content: I was thinking about your freeze delay trick for scratch fx…


Sweet…I’m in. My idea is to make a track with the Nord Drum 3p/DT combo. All sounds coming from the 3p. Would an Sp404 mk2 be allowed for FX and maybe chopping up loops from the nord?

Sounds fun.

Great Thread idea. Might be back with something.
Curious to hear everyone’s submissions.

This wound up pretty uptempo for hip hop, and may not be at all the idea here, but was a lot of fun to make as an exploration of what the Syntakt can do…

I took a pattern that I resampled into a 2-bar delay buffer (1/2 tempo, 2x speed), and used FX trigs to “flip” the 4-bar loop over 2 passes. Put the “sample” into a second pattern, added to it, messed around.

I put some basic process notes on screen for anyone interested in trying similar things out with Syntakt. Thanks for the inspiration here!


Not many replies here, here’s something I’ve been tooling around with, needs refining and a better mix though… all iPad, sugarbytes drum computer and a handful of synths and fx… zero samples or resampling… was kinda going for some off kilter vibes…


True, also pleading guilty…
So here’s a silly little thing quickly made to populate this thread a bit :

Sugar Bytes Drumcomputer
Sugar Bytes Unique
Arturia Farfisa V
Arturia Tape Mello-fi


Wasn’t aware of this thread until just now. This gives me great reason to jump into my Syntakt more. Typically I make music with 2 guiding principles: hip hop tempo/drums and synthesized sounds. Should be fun.

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here’s something from yesterday. i dusted off my A4 to make something for this challenge but ended up messing with operator in ableton instead. the kick, snare, hats, and bass are all operator in this one. there’s a spacey pad from repro-5 and a imagiro’s piano vst, which is a multisampled instrument (is that cheating?). acapella on top was something i had sitting around and seemed to fit, but it’s not a favorite.

no samples beat

EDIT: link should allow access now

EDIT AGAIN: soundcloud link for easier listening


I think you need to make it publicly shared fella, keeps throwing up an error when I try to access the link :+1:

sadness… will take a look. it was just bigger than the upload limit here, and i didn’t want to upload to soundcloud.

Finally got to listen in on it, dope stuff buddy…:+1:

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Might be my iPad but it doesn’t play? Do I need to be signed in to listen?

no, it should play for anyone without authenticating, but i added a soundcloud link just now that should work better.

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