Electronic Beats TV (Telekom)

indeed! how did I miss that!?! :dog:


I thought she was cool, and a super nice layout. I love that she said I like to nerd out during the week and be alone with my gear. Sounds very familiar.

She is obviously a pretty successful DJ and before all she said she was founder of the FREAKS of NATURE festival. A legendary one of a kind festival with the spirit of Burning Man and the freakiest art installations I have ever seen … like an automatic roboter arm which was danced and partied to on the dancefloor instead of the live act (they were sitting more in a FOH position behind the crowd). Ah man… greatest time of my life this festival! Could tell you stories :smiley: They eventually stopped making the festival – they said “It can’t get any better.”

So I guess I like her. She seems to not only have the stuff to show off but actually knows how to use it indepth. That’s quite a setup she has there. Must have been lots of work and time!


Your perspective changes when you’ve spent time in a studio with a mixing desk that’s worth as much as a house and cabinets full of microphones each worth $5000-15000, not to mention the racks of outboard.


Dog says turn down the hats in that mix. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :dog2:

Listen to mix engineer dog, he/she has better ears than you.

it pays of, really … even when it is just a hobby - tool by tool - it takes some time to get a decent chain overall and specially for just one gear alone

you get to know your gear from the more haptical side … it makes a difference turning knobs on a hardware-compressor or in the box, at last for me … it’s a direct approach … feeling connected to the sound more intense … but for finishing … software is on the edge … hardware-limiter in 2020/21? Ultra expensive

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That’s what I am saying, no?

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And a great mixer it is :blush::+1:

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New ep.


this one’s interesting. uses the OT extensively in concert with Ableton and plugins. wasn’t familiar with his music but liked what I heard in the video so checking it out now.