DT bug reports - OS 1.01

Great idear Bro, as a retribution for our contribution to improve this beta version

This ones bugging me…

The digitakt can sometimes freeze during playback


its very usable as 1.01
would love to plock delay and reverb settings but its all good.

1 crash using midi though i think its already been fixed.
turning knobs makes it a little difficult to choose the values i want , but i do like the default snap positions on delay time (for example) when using func>turning the knob (i think)

maybe mute tracks by pressing the knobs when on the master page ?

No, I am not “the guy”. I’ve never even touched an OT before, let alone claimed it was better than something else. I do have a DT on order though.

BUG - Conditional locks are not available on my machine. The “COND” has a square icon with a dotted line through it and doesn’t respond to encoder D at all.

BUG - Fill Mode will not turn on as it should described in the manual, via [yes] + [page] nor will fill mode turn on by holding down [page].

Have fill mode and conditional trigs not been implemented yet?

BUG - Pressing the < or > buttons automatically resets the tempo to 120. This is a MAJOR performance bug. These buttons are supposed to scrub tempo, but it always defaults back to 120 no matter what tempo you have the pattern set at

BUG -I cannot erase lock data as described in the manual by holding down [func] and [clear] while in live record mode. This instead erases the entire sequence.

I’m also having issues with encoders responding oddly, sloppy to certain parameters while functioning smoothly with others. It seems they work find on all parameters that go 0-127, but are difficult when dialing in parameters with less variables/toggles.

Strange Midi behavior over here. I have the DT hooked up to an OB6 with it’s Arpeggiator running. If I set the trig length to infinite (or something higher than the space between 2 trigs) the notes overlap and so the arp sounds incorrect. When the trig lengths are set to the gap between the two trigs or less, the arp works as expected.

This means you have to set the note length specifically otherwise it will overlap onto another note. This works differently to say the A4 / Octatrack where you can set a note to infinite and it will keep playing until a new note is triggered.

The problem lies then with Trig conditions as you never really know the gap between trigs if some only trigger part of the time - ie: it’s impossible to know the length between trigs to then set note length correctly.

Assuming it’s a bug.

[EDIT: whilst filling a support ticket I figured, it’s like the note off for the previous trig isn’t being sent when the new trig is triggered.]

Hmmm… Perhaps you have something else going on… the first three of these work just fine on my unit:

  • In grid record, if I hold down a trig, and on the [TRIG] page, then (and only then) does D control the conditions, but they are all there. (Known bug: the scrolling here isn’t smooth.)

  • When not in grid record (as per the manual), [PAGE] and [YES] +[PAGE] enter fill mode.

  • Pressing [<] and [>] do nudge the tempo while held, either on the main pattern screen, or the tempo screen.

I do see that [FUNC] + [CLEAR] during live recording clears the sequence, not the plocks.

this is whats happening here as well. Please post the setup you are using when this happens we can trouble shoot.
I have my DT on OS 1.01, USB plugged in to an Overbridge hub but no OB plugin open (just using in standalone and no other Elektron box in OB either), midi in and midi through cable plugged in, but nothing hooked up on other end yet, and the crash always happens when playing a pattern while adjusting any random parameter.

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I got the COND to respond in grid mode while holding down trig, so I was wrong about that bug.

There’s still some weird stuff going on with it though, the trigs set to fill mode always trigger in grid rec, and always trigger when not in grid rec mode UNLESS i hold down page (which is the opposite of how it’s supposed to function right?) same thing with entering fill mode, they trigger when it’s off and don’t trigger when it’s on.

My other issues persist.

sure you didn’t use the inversion of tis function? there’s a little line above then

Reading through them I very much doubt these are issues, except that you haven’t followed the manual very well

e.g. nudging the tempo is working exactly as it is intended on all Elektrons

I suggest you look at the manual with more care before declaring so many bugs

I bet you have NOT[Fill] set as a TRC which would account for your observations

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It appears to be working fine in my patterns, but not working in the preset patterns.

How can you explain the > and < buttons defaulting the tempo to 120?

I don’t have a DT, I probably got that wrong, but the nudging is a temporary shift in Tempo that will return to the last set value … but not to 120 if it was set at something else … that doesn’t sound right

For a bug like that, if it gets confirmed, it’s best to detail all the connections, especially USB & MIDI if any

It’ll be an easy fix as this works fine on the other units … nudging should revert to the tempo it was at before nudging for sure

PS: this is a users’ discussion area and :3lektron: staff will no doubt browse here, but once confirmed here or if you are 100%, you need to submit an official ticket through the support system anyway

he can submit a ticket anyway … they will help him if it’s not a bug

Yep, having this problem selecting the filter type, trig conditions etc. As I’m new to Elektron gear does anyone know if this is the type of issue that will get rectified? It’sextrmemly irritating and a definite problem when trying to improvise live.

I’ve encountered the flaky encoders and the copy pattern tempo thing too. The latter was actually pretty cool, it was like it slowly ramped up the the correct tempo over the length of the pattern which caused some cool delay artifacts.

On the encoders, I’m finding it difficult to press down to select a sound without it flying up or down a few options. The sensitivity is a little whack too. Can live with it for now though!

Having the same issue with <> defaulting to 120…

Does anyone else have this problem:

With at least pattern A01, the demo pattern, using CTRL all to make the delay feedback go to 127, then reloading the pattern – the feedback value does change back, but the feedback keeps running away, that is, it doesn’t actually change back.

EDIT: none of the effects parameters do reset back to saved settings.

ups :confused:

Yes, it has already been fixed for the next 1.02 release … that’s why it’s helpful to read the existing reports or browse the forum and use the search facility