Drum machine for hard techno

Guys, this went way off topic…

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edited my comment to put it in context.

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Totally. The DT is a slimmed down version, with a much simpler workflow, which can bring great results . I’m just trying to show that there are ways around using parts on the OT.

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when i make hard tekno i send my rytm BD out of the elektron cv/split cable into the OT by itself on one channel then you can eq it/throw fx and what not ,but yeah it wrecks!
after rytm distortion/overdrive and two OT filter distortion plus LO-fi fx DIST. you can get some really crazy industrial techno kicks .


also been making booming techno kicks on the digitone which doubles as a drum synthesizer and FM synthsizer capable in making alot of awesome techno bass.


With sound mapping added to the DN it’s a lot easier to use it that way. But I would still like some ratchets and fill with my drum machine.

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Really? So you can play slices live? With the keyboard (step buttons). Yeah I get it. Cool. In the end hard techno can be made on all of the above motioned devices, it just depends on how you set up said machines. An old friend of mine (no names mentioned. But he did hard tech in the early mid 90’s) used to use… I’m thinking a 606, or an R-8 and a 303… and a mixer with AUX sends, and he would run delay/reverb on the sends and get full-on feedback loops, pushing the trims, and running the main outs back in itself. He based most of his techno career on that simple ghetto setup. Killed it


Similar results, not the same. Snark not needed. I was simply sharing technique like you.


I wasn’t trying to be snarky. Sorry. I thought you had found a way to do that. Maybe with a sound setting or something. Sorry, to come off wrong. I try my hardest not to do that sort of thing on the interwebs.


Think of the pattern as your kit. Copy, paste then clear, that’s it.

Nobody puts baby (MD) in the corner!


Maybe in the Digitakt it’s more useful but that pattern design in the Digitone is a pity, at least for me. If I mess around with a pattern and go to the next it’s impossible not to have undesired jumps.

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Machinedrum, Mackie 1202, reverb, delay, distortion… Feedback loops= Hard Hard Techno


Yea it’s always been a issue even for the MnM.

Nice, here’s a TR8S thing. Nothing else used. Stock sounds.

I have Rythm mkii and it is insane! As others have said…

but i also have a dfam paired with a beat step pro and controlled with DT through a fh1. That combination sounds like smoking bathsalts…! Its nasty and like trying to mix an overbearing bully.

Its limited though compared to ARmkii…and if i had to choose i would simply sample the DFAM into the rythm and sell the Moog. And still have the best of booth worlds. In fact my dt is rinsed with DFAM samples…which could also be an option.


Yeah I have a DFAM. I definitely do not consider it a drum machine. Its a weird thing. Massive amounts of fun, I haven’t recorded anything I am totally happy with it yet though.

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I would highly suggest the Rytm I’ve had it for 2 years now , I love it for everything drum machine/ great for adding fills and can double as a single cycle waveform synth !


Dfam into A4 audio track. Turn up distortion. Mess with the filters … pfffrrfffrfr … great fun!


? On the MnM you have kits - you can have the same kit on several pattern.
Can you please tell me what you mean?

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