Disgusting Resale Prices

You are 100% correct. But the financial and political environment a person is in highly influences what can be made and in what quality/quantities. You say as much yourself :

We just disagree on what that environment is. Actually I do agree with you on your point above - I just don’t think it is possible.

Anyway, I’m not advocating pure capitalism but did feel the need to react to OP’s “capitalism is a plague to the human experience”. I don’t think it is that simple.

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We’re on a forum. The person I replied to made a quick, un-qualified comment. I get to too. So, no I have no reply for you. Doesn’t mean I’m wrong (doesn’t mean you are wrong either) but I am not going to lay out my world view for you. You’d probably find it “lazy, revisionist and paternalistic” anyway.


Ok, fine,

I wasn’t asking for your worldview, I was asking you not to claim as fact what is arguably a lie.

You have conceded you might be wrong on this point, that’s fair enough.

No bad feelings.

ps. I can’t possibly argue with a 909, can I? :slightly_smiling_face:

If that style of government was the only possible option, then your comment would make sense.

if other possible options did not succeed – they were not enough possible.

Our modern luxuries are a plague to the natural world.

I’m not going to explain the nuances of my world view the ways that I as an individual relate to these systems that I see as being a cult of death and bringer of deserts. I think the concept of capital and hierarchy are inherently flawed, dangerous, and leading to a lot of unnecessary suffering. I have no proposals, and no care internet arguments.

Yes, this was typed from a computer. It is perfectly fine to hold a strong critique of something while also recognizing the ways that we are engaging with it for means of survival.

I’m gonna disengage, but I wish you all the best.


As said best by Matt Bors


My biggest fault with the whole thing is on a simple level it’s exploitive. And greedy. And honestly I think a good reflection of a lot of things wrong with America and capitalism.

The fact that someone is charging double the price of the pedal retail while the company is still manufacturing them every month is ridiculous. There’s no way to justify that. Also shouldn’t there be some type of sense of community amongst musicians.

We’ve seen stuff like this happen with clothes, particularly sneakers. I just paid 4x retail for a pair of jordans but that’s because they did a small initial run and that’s it. I get it. Supply is forever super low on that and the price adjusts accordingly.

To me doesn’t really compare with the microcosm situation. I just think it’s a shitty move. And there’s no pariticular way to justify it. It’s not some limited edition pedal. Hologram does preorders every month. And I’ve seen em go for 550-600 which I think is somewhat fair but really at 900/double retail I think your a scumbag.


If there is someone willing to pay that much to get it now, I don’t see how that’s a problem for people who are not willing to pay that much and instead wait. It doesn’t put the people waiting at a disadvantage in any way.

That’s talking about a pedal. As has been mentioned, Oxygen and masks is quite another story and people should go to jail for that.


well, you’ve got the people who paid $60 for Boss and Ibanez pedals for decades and expect to only pay that now. but then you’ve got the people who got bored with that, maybe have better jobs now, and want to try new shit. on top of that, there’s opportunists who see that the demand is greater than the supply. and none of them agree with one another. hence the arguing you mentioned.

I think this particularly affects boutique manufacturers because some of them just haven’t scaled production well. so they make something cool, create a name for themselves, create demand, but then only manufacture in sporadic small runs. they’re guaranteed to sell out fast and you’ll make your investment back quickly. but then if you don’t re-invest that into scaling up production, you’ll only ever do small runs, and people will always be flipping your products for more cash, making money off of your hard work. all of this just drives up cost to the consumer. and further pisses off the people who only want to pay X dollars for a pedal.


An oldie, but a goodie:

Yes, it is not food or or water or something. … hm… wait a minute :star_struck:


i think everything i’ve ever bought brand new had some sort of profit going to someone.
and most people would like to recoup / profit off something theyre selling…

if the price is silly and someone is willing to pay it, good luck to them.
its no different to selling trainers for profit, clothing, handbags, perfume etc…
if i’d sold my monomachine for £2k+ i’d be very happy.

i dont see it as a republican/democrat thing… most of us on here are unlikely to live in america .


I like the part where some people are complaining about the prices of toys they objectively do not need to survive. Toys.


I live in America and agree with you. Unforntently somehow it almost always turns into politics.


How so? (I’m not in the US)

I think the point stands, you do not need lots of money to be your own boss - unless you have unrealistic expectations and are unwilling to put in lots of hard work most average people can do so, it is even easier nowadays.



I’m broke and dumb and was able to start my business. Still broke and dumb but have a few employees who hate me.


I’ve never quite understood this sentiment — everything technically is politics when diagnosing underlying causes for grievances or successes on a macro level, no?


I am not in the US and I don’t understand the political culture in the US. So … with respect:

Time to click the mute button and enjoy fam life :pray:

and that if you don’t this, or don’t succeed at it, you’re just lazy.

(trying not to get too political as it is technically forbidden. just making an important correction.)