Digitone over Overbridge disconnect

Stores are closed -.-

Same! Both with DTone & DTakt…can´t tell if it started with the updates for the machines or OB - it´s very frustrating!

Hi I downgraded from big sur and have the same issue. Its very frustrating since i configured whole live setup with DT & Overbridge and analog synths. As far as i know, they beta-testing OB for big sur and hope in new version this problem will be fixed (because its obvious a software problem)

Hi, I discovered that this bug with random audio dropouts only appears when I use digitone as audio mix output (I use all 12 channels from the overbridge). I tried default mac 3.5 and audiointerface output and everything seems to work fine.

Going to throw my issue here as well, happens with my DT and sometimes the AH too. Using an Overhub, with 5V adapter just in case, and latest FW and OB2. It happens really often. With this track i’m working on now, it seems to happen more often the more I jam with it.

Note: You don’t have to unplug the USB, I go into USB CFG and switch OB on and off.

Surely that points to a bug within OB2 then?

Also: This is specifically on audio sends from the machines to Ableton. The DT still receives and sends MIDI, it’s just the audio that totally dies. Switching OB on and off fixes it everytime.

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Adding the same issue on my side :

Windows 10 / Ableton 10 / Latest OB
Digitone directly plugged in my one of my laptop’s USB port.
Model:Samples going to Digitone’s Audio Inputs and linked via midi to the DN

-Sound shut down (…and sometimes comeback) in random timelapses, but it happens every sessions, sometimes after 20 minutes, sometimes about an hour.

And the same behaviour :

Did we ever find a solution for this - I’m having this problem and it’s super annoying. Basically makes using Overbridge a no go.


Gonna spam the same thing in this thread as well…

Shut down OB engine, open OB control panel and go to settings, clear logs, then enable logging…if its not enabled…

Re start OB engine, start your DAW sessions and wait for it to drop out…

Right after the drop out, stop your DAW session, exit your DAW, close OB engine and go back to OB control panel settings and compress logs…

Open a ticket with support and attach logs…with an explanation of what is happening…

Devs don’t read your posts here and this would be the best way to get them the data they need to fix it… the more users that do this, the more data they have, the sooner it will be fixed…

I know its frustrating, but the way is the way…it will be more worth your time than posting here, and if we all do it through the correct channels our collective efforts will expedite a resolution…

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That is just too much concentrated logical reason for me to accept.

M.u.s.t. c.o.m.p.l.a.i.n o.n. s.o.m.e.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: as you were…

Same here, using the latest DT/DN/OB versions on a Win10 system in Nuendo 11, together with OverHub.

Suddenly and without any observable system, the OB-engine looses the DT/DN connection.

Anyone had a breakthrough with this issue? I’ve just installed the latest overbridge and the latest digitone OS. I’ve also plugged the digitone directly into the computer and not the overhub. Still getting drop outs regularly.

Had the same issue and it’s working great since I plugged it thru an amazonbasics usb hub.

Good instructions.

Actually after following this my RYTM has stopped disconnecting… so far.
If it does disconnect again I’ll send the logs.

Perhaps shutting down and restarting the Overbridge Engine fixed it. Which makes me think I need to stop just putting my PC to sleep, and instead properly shut it down between studio sessions. That way everything has a chance to reset itself on reboot of the PC.

In the past I have had problems with other USB devices -USB audio interfaces - having problems when waking the PC from sleep. It seems some USB connections get screwed up in the sleep process.
But my Steinberg UR44C doesn’t have this problem so I stopped worrying about it.

BTW, the Elektronauts forum is the best forum I have ever encountered.
It’s really useable. The long history of one thread over years is genius.

As far as I can tell, this is still an issue since the latest updates to overbridge v2.0.60 and Digitone v1.31 and Rytm Mk1 v1.61B.

Can someone please confirm that Digitone/Rytm still disconnects while using Overbridge since the latest updates?

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It’s gotten a lot better but yes there are still occasional drops. It’s suspected that it’s possibly a usb communication issue and not software related. I imagine they’re looking into it as they’re well aware of it by now. the problem I’ve always come across is some days I won’t ever experience it others it happens in like 10 minutes it’s so random that I can’t reliably reproduce the issue and get a proper set of logs/steps to isolate it.

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It still happens within 20-40 seconds for me everytime.
This is only a problem on my MBP, not my Windows machine.

Digitone / Ableton 10 / Windows 10 :
i’m still losing sync systematically within various time span but on the "good side ", i have no more audio drop outs with the latest update.

My digitone swowie the Heat also have to be restarted constantly during the process, while the Rytm MK1 and Four MK1 are stable and never had to be restarted … I gave up on finding a solution.