Digitone + Lyra 8 + Heat = INDUSTRIAL DOOM

I actually can’t believe how well the Lyra and the Heat work together. Some of the sounds coming out of them…it’s like a direct line from hell!

Also, thanks for listening!

Huuuge sound wow!

Been making dirtier and dirtier sounds with my DNs. Maybe it’s time to think about a Heat…

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Don’t think about it, buy one!
I’d say that buying a Heat is the single most important part of my music going from very bad to pretty decent.

I just wish I could afford another one.


Two more, cut from a couple of hours of noodling about. They’re not that different from the tracks above but worthy of daylight I think.

All sounds are from the Lyra or the Digitone but there’s a lot of effects going on and the Heat at the end of the chain making a mess of it.

Gonna recalibrate a bit over the next couple of days, so should start to get some different noises going on.



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Thanks for listening!

I used to make music for the fun of it, now I do it for the praise.


this is some nice droning. are you tuning the voices and leaving them set or are you adjusting the tuning as it goes on? I find it real hard to tune the lyra and then just leave the tuning alone. The cross modulation really messes with the voicing once you get a drone going.

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I mostly just tune them and leave them alone.
When I say tuning, I turn all of the tune knobs until I think they sound cool then open the gates and see what comes flying out. It helps that I’m basically tone deaf and know nothing about music theory.

I find the best way to deal with tuning the Lyra is not to think about tuning the Lyra. It’s the most zen piece of equipment I’ve ever come across, which is great for me, because I’m zen as fuck.


Aye. Lyra is probably my favourite synth ever.
Playing equal temperament synths seems boring in comparison.

I play Lyra together with a baritone sax player. At first I thought it was going to be tricky tuning to the sax when ever we play together. You know what? It doesnt make any difference at all what ‘notes’ each voice is tuned to, it just always seems to work.

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That sounds like an awesome combination, got anything recorded?

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Sure do . We have an EP ready for mastering. And we tend to record every session anyway.
Will probably share a link on here in due course.

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Awesome, I’ll keep an eye out.

Man, this sounds so huge. Nice work!

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This is the first time anything about me has been described as huge.

Thank you for making me feel like a real man.



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ive been wanting to get a Superego. You recommend it with a DT/DN combo?
dont have the Heat…

The main problem with using the superego with the DT/DN is that the superego is mono. I’ve always used it on synths with mono outputs to create drones and run it through a bunch of effects. I’m not saying it won’t have a use in that setup, I just haven’t used it that way before.

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nice track,Just picked up a Lyra 8 what way are you pairing it or synching it with the digitone ?

No syncing, I just set the Digitone to about 40 BPM and let it all play away together. I guess that’s the beauty of drone music, you don’t really have to worry too much about stuff syncing up.

true that :slight_smile: really digging the Lyra just been in space the last hour.Just our of interest what color led is your hyper LFO mine seems to be red where as the videos i have seen have all had a green light