Digitone is now shipping

Bad luck :frowning: Maybe a cold solder joint that stopped conducting after the machine got warmer?

Mine seems to work ok, one time got a weird noise after starting a pattern right after booting it, almost like the first note played with a wrong patch.

Most certainly something along those lines. But then soldering is a well understood topic and a solved problem and Elektron are no bedroom manufacturer handcrafting a couple of dozen units a month, but we’re talking manufacturing at an industrial scale. Of course, my experience might be anecdotal and I’m sure Elektron will sort me out in no time. It’s still anticlimactic to come home with anticipation, get to briefly experience the marvel Elektrons latest instrument is to find it’s DOA.


I’m feeling a sympathetic annoyance to your situation.

How did they not test it better beforehand?

Was it really THAT important to release it the day of NAMM? Wouldn’t an announcement with an imminent release date have been sufficient?

Sorry about your gear :confused:


Oh man that sucks, you’ve been really unlucky. I understand your frustration and I hope you get a new unit soon.

It’s very alarming that all first batches of the newly released boxes have so many problems…


Yes, I agree (my first OT MK2 also had a hardware problem and had to be replaced).

Probably happens to the big players too but they catch it in QC.

Thanks for commiserating me. After a rather shitty week this looked like a ray of sunshine. Oh well, I could have known better and in the greater scheme it’s a nuisance but not a problem.

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Yeah, having to wait for a few weeks really would be the icing on the cake. Anyway, it’s a good opportunity to remind myself how privileged I am to be able to afford to worry about that kind of stuff and not have more existential worries. Oh and by the way, the brief glimpse I got blew me away.


That’s certainly a good attitude!

Perhaps you can use this time to read that Elektronauts acclaimed FM book(I forget the name) as a pdf and hit the ground running after Elektron fixes your issue immediately.

Given how I’ve personally been jonesing for DN videos though- I’d certainly be pretty disgusted by this alone, not to mention the issue with the OTs previously.

Definitely keep this forum updated on the progress to getting a fully functional machine! :slight_smile:

Is it better to have loved and lost ?..

That would upset me to have 15 minutes of blown mind and then nothing until a replacement arrives but nice attitude. Assume you bought from Elektron directly? Any response from them yet?

Let’s hope this is a one-off (unfortunate for you) and that a pattern** doesn’t emerge over the next few days :-/

** not talking about Digitone patterns

Well getting upset won‘t change a thing. And even though I have an unhealthily emotional relationship with Elektron products I‘m old enough to realize that things will be ok. Good thing is I spent the time with my kids instead and it was so worth it. Maybe there‘s a lesson to be learned here. To answer your questions, yes I bought from Elektron directly and no, they haven‘t responded yet, which is fine with me considering the time.


Sorry about your luck :confused:
Mine arrives soon, fingers crossed that it’s working properly.

I‘m sure most units will be ok and hopefully so will be the next one I get. I know for a fact that support will go above and beyond to make sure I‘m a happy customer. They are good people. Not sure the same can be said about the folks designing QA/QC processes at Elektron.


My shipping date has been bumped up to 2 weeks from now. If mine has these ongoing problems I’ll be heartbroken.

Mine is here! (at my office, where I am unable to play with it and have many hours of work to go; but it is here!). Time to throw myself into generating snowfall history charts and graphs in hopes that the hours will fly by.


I didn’t bring a 1/4" headphones adapter. All my (decades ago) Boy Scout training of “be prepared” has failed me :slight_smile: (part of me wants to keep it secure in its box until it gets home so it’s as unscathed as possible. Part of me wants to just claw into it right now!)


My DTo arrived today :sunglasses:

After the first power-up, no sound came out. I had to do a factory reset to make it work. I find the sequencer quite awkward for melodies and chords, especially if you want to enter trigs in grid recording with a MIDI keyboard. However, the planless editing of FM combined with subtractive synthesis makes a lot of fun. While editing, the DTo crashes a few times. After turning it off and on, it worked again. The software still seems to have some bugs. BTW, the DTo’s display is noticeable better than the display in the DT: No lines, no shadows … simply amazing.

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ahh… what data is lost when you get a crash? ie what needs saving before powering down?

Digitone freezes when running arp pretty much everytime:(. Really cool machine though will probably need a couple updates just like Digitakt.

Aren’t you suddenly feeling sick and need to home? :joy::joy:

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Well, that is too many issues reported already. Will have to cross this off the list until and if things are fixed but the Digitakt story is kinda off-putting. Back to FM8 for FM for now.

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